Under pressure.
Good thing I'm not a pressure cooker, I would be terrible at that. The past month has been simply terrible. There are a few gems. As it turns out, my dad does not have cancer. He has an infection of his lymphatic system that seemingly will be alright after steroid treatment. I was able to see my youngest sister (she lives in Washington State now). I think sometimes that it is really easy to get bogged down by all the bad things and trust me, there was plenty to be bogged down by, but at the end of the day, what cheers me up? Counting my blessings. Why don't we do this every single day? If you started your morning off that way, it would change your outlook on your entire day. 1. I have my health. I can run. I can breathe. I can push myself to be better than I was the day before. 2. I have a very nice home. I've never wanted for food, shelter,clothing or transportation. 3. I have two very beautiful, intelligent, smart girls. They love me, faults and a...