
Showing posts from August, 2011

Day 8 Good bye Washington, Hello Boise!

Day 8 is upon us and it is time to get rolling again. I'm sad. I'd rather stay here than drive anymore, but we must get going. I guess the weather matched my mood. At least it is pretty here. Can we come back and go white water rafting? Autumn getting out to stretch her legs. I don't really care that she is barefoot and in her PJ's. Some of the towns we drove through were really interesting. They had pretty flowers and murals. The water seemed really high to me. We still have mountains. Again, still cloudy. We started the day off at 730 am and stopped in Boise, Idaho at 7 pm. We saw 1 deer, at ton of apple trees. We stayed at the Motel 6 (not my favorite place) and I remember there was some sort of struggle over what to eat for dinner, but now I barely remember what we ate. It was BBQ of some sort. Can you believe this trip is still going? Me either. The Jordan's.

We are still in Seattle for Day 7!

Since we left Anchorage, Sean noticed there was a small oil leak coming from the Jeep. We decided that since we were in the United States now, we should get it checked out. Now, I cannot really remember what was wrong with the Jeep and why it was leaking, but what I DO remember is that the part wouldn't be in until later today, so we decided that instead of going down to Portland, Oregon as planned, we hang around in Washington for one more day. We learned about a park there called Forest Park. If you live in this area and have kids, you HAVE to go and visit this park! They had a big open field for picnics, kite flying or bubbles! There is a playground, sprinklers, a petting zoo and it was all FREE. I didn't realize there would be sprinklers, so I didn't pack the girls bathing suits for that day. SHAME on me! She is trying to catch a singular drop of water. And having so much fun in the process. It's bubble time. I love the lo...


Sean and I had decided a long way back that when we made our trek to Georgia, we wanted (take that back, HAD to) stop in Seattle. It is a place we are considering living when retirement rolls around and I hadn't ever been there. Can you guess where we are? How about another clue. The Pacific Science Center. We had to make sure we got some science learning during our trip. Sean being all manly. Autumn learning about the brain. Time for robots. She did pretty good with that. Please take note, Autumn is holding "Dino." Guess he took Roww's place for a bit. What kid doesn't love to play in the water? I am so grateful that Sean will touch just about anything! Emelia's turn! Mom, there is so much to do. Let me ponder about what is next.... We decided that next is the butterfly house. Most of you know that Emelia has quite a fear of plants, so when we walked in and she saw all the shrubbery, she did t...