Day 5 of our Adventure.

I know I haven't been very dilligent about updating my blog, BUT since my last post, we moved into our house, unpacked and have been steadily making our house, our home. I'd like to get back to our trip from Alaska to Georgia by starting just where I left off. Day 5 of our adventure began in Prince George.

We got on the road at 6 AM.

We drove through some really neat looking canyons. You cannot see it in this picture, but on the right hand side of the road, are steep canyons with a river running at the bottm.

Silly picture time!

Autumn's turn! I love how she is sticking her tongue out!

Look evil much?

Proof that she had some fun!


My sweet Millie girl.

We kept going through these tunnels, which Autumn insisted were bridges. Each new one we passed, Autumn would say that is the biggest bridge I ever saw.

I really enjoyed this part of our trip through Canada the most! I didn't do a good job of showing it, but it really was quite scenic.

In the dark.

I had to take a picture, that is my middle name after all.

Needless to say, I was so very excited to see that sign!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting in the long line at the border. Sean went in first. He got through with hardly any problem. I pulled up and one of the first things the guy asks me is do I have the girls birth certificates. I did not. Sean had them. I radioed ahead to Sean and told him I needed the girls birth certificates. Sean finds a place to pull over and now I'm getting the lecture from this guy about how kids 16 and under need a birth certificate to get through the border. Oh great, do you want to take them and finish out this drive for me? Sean tells me it is going to be a minute, the documnets are somewhere in the back of the trailer. The border guard finally says to me, I'll let you through this time, but BLAH BLAH BLAH! I don't even feel like finishing this conversation.

The most important thing, is this sign! Yes and thank you! We stopped for the evening in Everett, Washington, where we would take a three day break. I'll be back tomorrow to post all about that!

The Jordan's.


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