
Autumn and I began the day shoveling the driveway. That is much more work than it sounds like. I had to get us both suited up for the ten degree weather, put her in the backpack, then head on out. It took us about an hour to finish the driveway and when we came back in, poor little Autumn's face had frost nip on it. She has now had frost nip twice.

Later today, we went to visit Snowzilla. Frosty the Snowzilla man is huge!!! The local government is trying to put a stop to Snowzilla citing a building code violation. Well, I say down with the man!!!! Keep Snowzilla up. He isn't hurting anything. Anyway, here is a photo of Autumn and me with Frosty the Snowzilla man.

Cherish and Autumn with Snowzilla

Here is a related article in the
Anchorage Daily News.


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