Christmas Eve.

Sean, Autumn and I went to Christmas Eve service here on post. Autumn acted like a savage on the way over to the church and I had half a mind to turn the car around and go home. I almost started crying. Autumn was fussing and carrying on because she hates wearing her coat. Well, the current temperature was 1 degree below zero. Sean informed Autumn that she was grounded for behaving so badly and Autumn responded by screaming louder.

Anyway, the service was very nice. Autumn behaved for most of it. At the end they passed out glow sticks instead of candles. Autumn put hers in her mouth--like that needs to be lit up! It was a nice way to remember the service men and women overseas. It made me a little sad thinking about some of the ladies here alone and for the guys over there all alone. It made me think of next year and how I will be wishing Sean home. Then I look at Autumn and the sadness disappears in an instance.

Here are some of our Christmas Eve photos. Please enjoy.

Beautiful Autumn

I love Autumn's eyes.

Autumn opening a gift from Sean and I.
The cats helped (actually, they did most of the work).

Cherish and Autumn.

Sean and Autumn looking at one another.

Sean and Autumn having a little fun.

Cherish, Sean and Autumn. Autumn very chill.

Family Photo.
Cherish, Sean and Autumn Christmas 2008

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.


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