A Mere Stone.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. The biggest untruth in my life to date. To get you all caught up, I'm having surgery on Monday. This cyst in my hand (Cicero, I named him) is being removed. It is wrapped around a nerve and it hurts. It hurts when I run, it hurts when I do push ups or pull ups. It hurts when it is cold outside. There are times it feels like there are molasses in my hand and it just doesn't want to move. Thankfully, I'm a right hander and this is my left hand. Friday I go for my pre-op appointment. Then, after I grab Autumn from school, we leave for Charleston. We are celebrating Autumn's birthday with my family, like we have done several times now. Sean leaves on Saturday for a TDY in Missouri. We come home from Charleston on Sunday. Then my surgery is Monday. Sean will come home a week later and then Millie's surgery is on Tuesday (Feb 10th.). Millie, sweet Millie. As her surgery date appr...