Millie's Surgery

The day before Millie's surgery, she locked herself in her closet twice. She had several meltdowns that day and confided in us that she was afraid to have surgery. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. We needed to be in Atlanta at 7 am, so we decided to book the cheapest (non-killiest)hotel we could find. Millie's husband came along for the trip. He slept with me and Millie!! Bad husband!! Millie brought her husband and her blanket with her to the hospital. The staff reassured us that both items would stay with her the entire time. She wanted to bring her Mermaid Tail, but we left that in the car. Millie was just generally being silly. They tagged her and her husband. The staff got a huge kick out of Roots. More silliness. Once the OR was ready, they brought Millie some "silly juice." It didn't take her long to go from this, To this. Once it was time to take her off, she wouldn't let me hug her, but I leaned in and kissed her o...