Autumn's Birthday!
With my surgery tomorrow and Millie's next week, we needed to celebrate Autumn's birthday early. We wanted to make sure Millie could participate. Autumn wanted a Chuck E Cheese birthday party. What she really wanted was a go at the ticket blaster. Have I ever expressed how much I hate Chuck E Cheese? It is HORRIBLE. The food is bad. The place smells. It is loud. It was crowded. There were rude people. Someone even stole Autumn's tickets while she was opening her gifts.
Nevertheless, the girl LOVED it. She has said multiple times since her party that "it was the best party ever!" In the end, that is what counts right?
Here are the photos:

My mom made the cupcakes, but I decorated them.

I thought I did pretty good!

Autumn's cake.

Autumn with her cake! She loved it!

Jordan's cake.

My niece Morgan and me! She is six months old now!

The birthday girls.

Silly faces.

Victoria, Millie and Katie.

Singing happy birthday.

This is the part where I forgot to say any name at all during the birthday song. It was quiet and one person even sang out "Happy birthday Autumn and Millie. Uhm I mean Jordan. JORDAN!" It was grandma! HA

Blowing out the candle.

She thought Jordan needed some help.

I don't think Jordan was happy about that.

All her dreams made true by getting in the ticket blaster.

Autumn and Chuck E.

It was Jordan's turn and Jordan wouldn't go in. The CEC employee asked Autumn if she wanted to go again, she said YES! They tried to get Jordan in there, but she wouldn't do it, so Katie went in with Autumn.

I love the expression on her face! After she collected as many tickets as she could, she gave them all to Jordan.

Seriously, how is this baby sleeping in this extremely loud place?

Autumn rode this thing at least 4 times (in a row!).

Her dogs.

Her Barbie Jeep.
We got up around 7 am this morning. Drove home. Made it home around 230 pm. I unloaded the car. Ran some laundry. Put things away. Vacuumed. Now I'm writing you. I'm going to grab some Chinese food for dinner and go to bed early. I'm exhausted. I need to bathe the girls. I won't be able to wash their hair for the next 10 days! You will probably have to bathe Millie before her surgery.
I hope you made it to Missouri alright. I will talk to you when I talk to you. I close with this.

Millie's glasses didn't make it to Charleston with me. I knew they were in the Outback before I left. I saw them there. I told her she would have to put them on when we got to Autumn's school to pick her up. In Charleston, I tore the outback apart looking for those things! I was convinced she tossed them out the window or something. When we got home, I tore the house apart looking for them and found them in the kitchen junk drawer! She must have taken them out of the Outback while I was still loading and chucked them in that drawer. Bad girl!

Max, the Unsociable fish was actually out of his beehive. He seemed "happy" that there were humans home. He ate his food right away, so I gave him another handful of food. I have never seen him eat before. That should tell you how hungry he was!

He really is a beautiful fish!
I love you bunches.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Jordan's.
Nevertheless, the girl LOVED it. She has said multiple times since her party that "it was the best party ever!" In the end, that is what counts right?
Here are the photos:

My mom made the cupcakes, but I decorated them.

I thought I did pretty good!

Autumn's cake.

Autumn with her cake! She loved it!

Jordan's cake.

My niece Morgan and me! She is six months old now!

The birthday girls.

Silly faces.

Victoria, Millie and Katie.

Singing happy birthday.

This is the part where I forgot to say any name at all during the birthday song. It was quiet and one person even sang out "Happy birthday Autumn and Millie. Uhm I mean Jordan. JORDAN!" It was grandma! HA

Blowing out the candle.

She thought Jordan needed some help.

I don't think Jordan was happy about that.

All her dreams made true by getting in the ticket blaster.

Autumn and Chuck E.

It was Jordan's turn and Jordan wouldn't go in. The CEC employee asked Autumn if she wanted to go again, she said YES! They tried to get Jordan in there, but she wouldn't do it, so Katie went in with Autumn.

I love the expression on her face! After she collected as many tickets as she could, she gave them all to Jordan.

Seriously, how is this baby sleeping in this extremely loud place?

Autumn rode this thing at least 4 times (in a row!).

Her dogs.

Her Barbie Jeep.
We got up around 7 am this morning. Drove home. Made it home around 230 pm. I unloaded the car. Ran some laundry. Put things away. Vacuumed. Now I'm writing you. I'm going to grab some Chinese food for dinner and go to bed early. I'm exhausted. I need to bathe the girls. I won't be able to wash their hair for the next 10 days! You will probably have to bathe Millie before her surgery.
I hope you made it to Missouri alright. I will talk to you when I talk to you. I close with this.

Millie's glasses didn't make it to Charleston with me. I knew they were in the Outback before I left. I saw them there. I told her she would have to put them on when we got to Autumn's school to pick her up. In Charleston, I tore the outback apart looking for those things! I was convinced she tossed them out the window or something. When we got home, I tore the house apart looking for them and found them in the kitchen junk drawer! She must have taken them out of the Outback while I was still loading and chucked them in that drawer. Bad girl!

Max, the Unsociable fish was actually out of his beehive. He seemed "happy" that there were humans home. He ate his food right away, so I gave him another handful of food. I have never seen him eat before. That should tell you how hungry he was!

He really is a beautiful fish!
I love you bunches.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Jordan's.