Master of Masters?

From the time I was in middle school, I always knew in my heart I would go to college. I spent most of middle school and high school trying to figure out HOW I was going to go to college. Enter the Air Force. Skip ahead 15 or 20 years and I'm closing in rapidly on my Bachelor's degree. I will be the first person in my family to go to college and attain a degree. When someone from school posed the question to me, what about staying and working on your master's, I laughed it off. No, I have plans that include moving to Washington, but what was really bothering me was do I even have what it takes to get a Master's degree? In all that time growing up and in my adult years, it never once even dawned on me that I COULD get a Master's degree. This is the story of a girl who has fought her way through a world dominated by people that didn't believe in her. A girl that grew up thinking that girls could dream big, but that is all it would amount to, a dream ...