Hidden Lake Take Two

Last week I attempted Hidden Lake but didn't make it to the lake. Sean and I went together and this time, Hidden Lake was found. We started on our bikes and biked to the Hidden Lake trail head. Once there, it was 2.75 miles to Hidden Lake. While exploring around hidden lake, I fell and cracked my screen protector on my phone. Whoops. I also made friends with a marmot. I found my spirit flower. Once we started back, I told Sean that I really thought we had time to go to the pass and could we do it? So we skirted below a ridge line and walked to the pass. Once I saw ship lake, I knew it was totally worth it. Overall, we did 8.3 miles on foot and 5 miles on the bike. Our day in pictures. Nice and early at the Glen Alps trail head. Bull moose just off the trail. He didn't seem to care that we were there. Powerline Pass (I'm definitely wanting to do this pass at some point). I spy with my little eye the ramp. There were so many bikes at...