Hidden Lake, again, aptly named.
I was supposed to have my surgery to repair my broken clavicle on Jun 17th.
On Jun 16th, my surgeon calls me at home and asks me, did you get your COVID test done?
Did they give you the results?
NO (starting to get worried).
Well, I have news. Your 14 day culture came back positive for an infection called P. acnes. Instead of having surgery tomorrow, you will be admitted to the hospital and I don't know for how long.
So on Jun 17th, I went to the hospital and was admitted.
I was extremely thankful that I still had my port.
Basically what was needed is intravenous antibiotics.
So, I was able to be discharged, but I have to go to the hospital every day for six weeks to get my antibiotics through my port.
That leads me to this hike......
I got done with my antibiotics about 1 pm and because this was the fifth day, they deaccessed my port.
It felt like freedom and I knew I wanted to hike because my pack would be comfortable, but only for this 24 hour period.
All the way to the trail head, I wasn't sure exactly where I wanted to hike.
Initially I wanted to do South Fork, go up Hunter's Pass and walk the ridge line, but there were a ton of clouds.
I don't like to go up when there are clouds.
I finally settled on Hidden Lake.
It's been on my list for awhile.
I parked at Glen Alps and then headed out.
From Glen Alps, you go to Powerline Trail.

This is just under 1/2 mile.

No surprise why it's called Powerline.

It's still cloudy, but I knew I would not be going up a whole lot in elevation.

It was roughly two miles to this point.
There is an area to lock up your bike right here (thinking to myself, man that would be smart to ride your bike and park and then hit this trail, a lot faster!).

Wait, there's a bridge? I love photographing bridges.

Looking towards powerline pass (which still had snow on it).


If you followed this ridgeline to the right on the picture, you could go to Flattop.

On the left is water on the trail, on the right is a dry path, but you have to go through the dead trees...

I don't know why I thought these were so interesting, but my kids will tell you, I love looking at dead trees.

My first snow crossing and my first mistake.
Apparently right around here there was another trail off to the left.
I was led astray by the all those foot prints in the snow.
It looks like a trail...


Water crossing number 1.
I walked up and down trying to find away that did not involve me getting wet shoes/socks.... No such luck.

The snow was easy to walk through at least.

It's June and I am in snow!

Is this Hidden Lake?

I kept seeing marmots. I actually photographed one here. Good luck finding it!

I've not seen this flower before.

I love the swirly part around the stalk.

I like these flowers too!

I have no idea what kind of flower this is. It looks like a banana though!

Banana phone.
Ok, so what I didn't photograph.
On this "trail" I went off on, I stepped in mud so deep, it went up my pants.
I ended up doing another water crossing, this one much deeper.
To my knee!!!
It cleaned up my really muddy shoes, socks, and legs though!
I climbed up some stuff and found a "trail again".
I think it was just a game trail.
I don't like going off trail.
I know, everyone in my family does, but I just do not like it.
It started raining, it was getting dark and I was out 5.5 miles (which means 5.5 miles to get back).
I decided that Hidden Lake will just have to be hidden a little while longer.
I don my rain jacket and get headed back to the car.

The view back towards Anchorage.

There was a small saddle that close in front of me.
It hurt my heart a little to not go explore the saddle, but again, I just knew it was time for me to turn around.

I just took a picture of every direction around me.


Some of the berries are going from flower to fruit.

I liked having the stream to my right going back to powerline trail.


The same flower, but at an earlier stage.

I have never seen this before. I haven't the foggiest what it could be.

I love these flowers.
I got back to the car about 6:15 PM. I didn't get home until about 7 pm.
I drank a ton of water, took a shower and went to bed!!!
Adventure is out there people!
Go get it!!!
The Jordan's.
On Jun 16th, my surgeon calls me at home and asks me, did you get your COVID test done?
Did they give you the results?
NO (starting to get worried).
Well, I have news. Your 14 day culture came back positive for an infection called P. acnes. Instead of having surgery tomorrow, you will be admitted to the hospital and I don't know for how long.
So on Jun 17th, I went to the hospital and was admitted.
I was extremely thankful that I still had my port.
Basically what was needed is intravenous antibiotics.
So, I was able to be discharged, but I have to go to the hospital every day for six weeks to get my antibiotics through my port.
That leads me to this hike......
I got done with my antibiotics about 1 pm and because this was the fifth day, they deaccessed my port.
It felt like freedom and I knew I wanted to hike because my pack would be comfortable, but only for this 24 hour period.
All the way to the trail head, I wasn't sure exactly where I wanted to hike.
Initially I wanted to do South Fork, go up Hunter's Pass and walk the ridge line, but there were a ton of clouds.
I don't like to go up when there are clouds.
I finally settled on Hidden Lake.
It's been on my list for awhile.
I parked at Glen Alps and then headed out.
From Glen Alps, you go to Powerline Trail.

This is just under 1/2 mile.

No surprise why it's called Powerline.

It's still cloudy, but I knew I would not be going up a whole lot in elevation.

It was roughly two miles to this point.
There is an area to lock up your bike right here (thinking to myself, man that would be smart to ride your bike and park and then hit this trail, a lot faster!).

Wait, there's a bridge? I love photographing bridges.

Looking towards powerline pass (which still had snow on it).


If you followed this ridgeline to the right on the picture, you could go to Flattop.

On the left is water on the trail, on the right is a dry path, but you have to go through the dead trees...

I don't know why I thought these were so interesting, but my kids will tell you, I love looking at dead trees.

My first snow crossing and my first mistake.
Apparently right around here there was another trail off to the left.
I was led astray by the all those foot prints in the snow.
It looks like a trail...


Water crossing number 1.
I walked up and down trying to find away that did not involve me getting wet shoes/socks.... No such luck.

The snow was easy to walk through at least.

It's June and I am in snow!

Is this Hidden Lake?

I kept seeing marmots. I actually photographed one here. Good luck finding it!

I've not seen this flower before.

I love the swirly part around the stalk.

I like these flowers too!

I have no idea what kind of flower this is. It looks like a banana though!

Banana phone.
Ok, so what I didn't photograph.
On this "trail" I went off on, I stepped in mud so deep, it went up my pants.
I ended up doing another water crossing, this one much deeper.
To my knee!!!
It cleaned up my really muddy shoes, socks, and legs though!
I climbed up some stuff and found a "trail again".
I think it was just a game trail.
I don't like going off trail.
I know, everyone in my family does, but I just do not like it.
It started raining, it was getting dark and I was out 5.5 miles (which means 5.5 miles to get back).
I decided that Hidden Lake will just have to be hidden a little while longer.
I don my rain jacket and get headed back to the car.

The view back towards Anchorage.

There was a small saddle that close in front of me.
It hurt my heart a little to not go explore the saddle, but again, I just knew it was time for me to turn around.

I just took a picture of every direction around me.


Some of the berries are going from flower to fruit.

I liked having the stream to my right going back to powerline trail.


The same flower, but at an earlier stage.

I have never seen this before. I haven't the foggiest what it could be.

I love these flowers.
I got back to the car about 6:15 PM. I didn't get home until about 7 pm.
I drank a ton of water, took a shower and went to bed!!!
Adventure is out there people!
Go get it!!!
The Jordan's.