Rough Start.
We survived the airplane ride from Alaska to South Carolina. Autumn did great. She was even a hit on the airplane. She slept through the first leg and during the second leg she got restless, so I let her crawl up and down the aisle. Some of the old people leaned over and pet Autumn's head as she crawled on by. The very last leg, she was tired of it all and fussed a little bit, but not much.
Since we have been in South Carolina, my phone has stopped working. I got extremely ill and dad had to take me to the Hospital. Autumn came with because she was sick too. I wanted the doctor to check her out more so than myself, but I looked like hell (I didn't realize this until after our visit). Anyway, they tested Autumn for RSV and the flu-both negative. They tested me for Flu and Pneumonia-both negative. I have bronchitis. They put me on four medications and I am just now starting to feel better.
Autumn took her first few steps a few days ago, but I missed it. Grandma C. witnessed it. I am hoping she will do it again soon so I can get a video.
We are missing Sean terribly. My heart breaks to think that he may be spending Thanksgiving all alone. Autumn misses her dad too. I show her his photo every day and she says da da every time. We cannot wait to get home and see you Sean.

Driving Miss Autumn

Grandma C and Autumn

Kaitlyn, Abby, Autumn, Christina, Christina, Cole
Since we have been in South Carolina, my phone has stopped working. I got extremely ill and dad had to take me to the Hospital. Autumn came with because she was sick too. I wanted the doctor to check her out more so than myself, but I looked like hell (I didn't realize this until after our visit). Anyway, they tested Autumn for RSV and the flu-both negative. They tested me for Flu and Pneumonia-both negative. I have bronchitis. They put me on four medications and I am just now starting to feel better.
Autumn took her first few steps a few days ago, but I missed it. Grandma C. witnessed it. I am hoping she will do it again soon so I can get a video.
We are missing Sean terribly. My heart breaks to think that he may be spending Thanksgiving all alone. Autumn misses her dad too. I show her his photo every day and she says da da every time. We cannot wait to get home and see you Sean.
Driving Miss Autumn
Grandma C and Autumn
Kaitlyn, Abby, Autumn, Christina, Christina, Cole