One little girl gone bad!
Emelia has headbands. It is no secret in this house that my girls are bald as little people. If Emelia didn't wear a headband, people would call her a boy. Since Emelia is wearing headbands now, Autumn wants stuff in her hair too. Autumn has bows, since she has hair now, but she wants what Emelia has. I have been placing Emelia's headbands on the top of my entertainment center and then become exasperated when I see Autumn with them.
Alert ** Wife Moment **
I thought Sean was taking them down and giving them to Autumn until one day, I stumbled upon this!

This method wasn't quite yeilding the results she wanted, so she:

Moved the phone (that Grandma Jordan sent her by the way) over to step on it and give it another go.
In the end,

She just strong armed it and made it to the top. I did my best not to startle her, but when I got her attention, she knew she was wrong.

You think she is worried about a spanking????

Once I got Autumn on solid ground, she proceeds to put Emelia's headbands around her neck like a necklace (look at Emelia!!!).
Now as far as punishment goes, in true Jordan fashion:

:-) Might I just suggest that you do your best not to get into trouble with Technical Sergeant Jordan!!!!! He even makes:

Little girls push when they get out of line. And everyone wonders why Autumn has such buff arms??!!! One of the rewards to being Sean's daughters though:

Checking out a HMWWV.

This just cracked me up because seriously, who brings lip gloss and check blush brush with them every where they go?? Let us not forget about the head bands.

Emelia's turn to drive!

Jamming to Autumn's music.

Because this picture cracks me up, I decided to share it with you.
After having fun in the HMWWV's we headed to Six Mile Chalet Park near Sean's work. I got a few photos.

Isn't she a little angel.

Laughing at Autumn.

Autumn and her Dylan bear. I guess she has been missing him a lot lately. She's been lugging her bear around quite a bit and she did name it, "Dylan Bear." I love Dylan bear because he smells like chocolate!!
We've been keeping busy without you here Sean. I love you and miss you something awful. Saturday isn't going to get here fast enough if you ask me.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Alert ** Wife Moment **
I thought Sean was taking them down and giving them to Autumn until one day, I stumbled upon this!
This method wasn't quite yeilding the results she wanted, so she:
Moved the phone (that Grandma Jordan sent her by the way) over to step on it and give it another go.
In the end,
She just strong armed it and made it to the top. I did my best not to startle her, but when I got her attention, she knew she was wrong.
You think she is worried about a spanking????
Once I got Autumn on solid ground, she proceeds to put Emelia's headbands around her neck like a necklace (look at Emelia!!!).
Now as far as punishment goes, in true Jordan fashion:
:-) Might I just suggest that you do your best not to get into trouble with Technical Sergeant Jordan!!!!! He even makes:
Little girls push when they get out of line. And everyone wonders why Autumn has such buff arms??!!! One of the rewards to being Sean's daughters though:
Checking out a HMWWV.
This just cracked me up because seriously, who brings lip gloss and check blush brush with them every where they go?? Let us not forget about the head bands.
Emelia's turn to drive!
Jamming to Autumn's music.
Because this picture cracks me up, I decided to share it with you.
After having fun in the HMWWV's we headed to Six Mile Chalet Park near Sean's work. I got a few photos.
Isn't she a little angel.
Laughing at Autumn.
Autumn and her Dylan bear. I guess she has been missing him a lot lately. She's been lugging her bear around quite a bit and she did name it, "Dylan Bear." I love Dylan bear because he smells like chocolate!!
We've been keeping busy without you here Sean. I love you and miss you something awful. Saturday isn't going to get here fast enough if you ask me.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo