New things.
Emelia is cutting two teeth. The upper top middle two. This will be a new experience for me, breastfeeding and teeth. Autumn didn't cut her first two until she was 14 months old, right at the same time she weaned. I'm hoping for the best.
Emelia is getting more and more hair now too!

I love you and miss you with all my heart Sean Jordan.
I think I'll slip this comment in here because I'm sure you will know exactly what I'm talking about. I now know the reason for coffee creamer..... I miss my Kaladi coffee, no creamer required.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Emelia is getting more and more hair now too!
I love you and miss you with all my heart Sean Jordan.
I think I'll slip this comment in here because I'm sure you will know exactly what I'm talking about. I now know the reason for coffee creamer..... I miss my Kaladi coffee, no creamer required.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo