Savannah Jour Numéro Deux
We woke up at a decent time (so early in fact breakfast was not being served yet), but as Sean can attest to..... sometimes it takes awhile to get out the door.
We loaded up the car for the day though and got going.

Our snack options. Have I mentioned yet how much I love Tracie. She grows all this stuff on her property (well I think all of it... I know for sure the blueberries and tomatoes). The tomatoes are like little bites of heaven and so refreshing on a hot, humid day.
Our first stop was the Savannah Railroad Museum.

From a display inside the museum. This display also had trains that moved!!

Catching a ride on the hand cart.

Pushing Miss Millie.

Autumn and Forrest went too!

Silly Millie.

Checking out some of the old buildings.

What a neat place.

Cutie patootie Forrest a rootie.
After checking out the grounds, we hopped on a train and were treated to a little history lesson.

The train whistle was quite loud.

I guess Roww didn't mind.

Introducing my sweet friend Tracie and her grandson Forrest.
The train tour was really quite short, but worth it. On the grounds of the Railroad museum they have a children's museum. We went to check it out.

Autumn found this huge maze amazing!!!

Building blocks.

Right up Millie's alley.

Autumn's drawing. Hmmmmm

Cooling off like a princess.
We found a shady spot to picnic and enjoyed the food we brought. The kids played

On the big hill and Millie didn't blink an eye about climbing up that mountain in her princess gown.

Next up is Chippewa Square. If you don't know about it, you should look it up. There is a reason Forrest sitting on that bench is SO funny.

"My momma always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'"

"Stupid is as stupid does."
In case you didn't get it, here is a little hint....

Random Roww sighting.

Making her own patch......
We left Chippewa square and headed over to the Juliet Gordon Low house (J-Low was the founder of the Girl Scouts). Unfortunately there was a lot of construction going on with the outside of the house and the only way to "view" the inside of the house was a 40 minute tour. We just were not sure the children were going to want to do that so we opted to hang out in the gift shop and cool off for a few minutes. During this time, it started pouring. I mean really, really raining. We waited it out for a little bit and then decided to walk to our next destination in the rain.
Leopold's Ice Crean.

Going over in the rain was well worth it. There were maybe 3 or 4 people ahead of us in line. The rain quit by the time we ordered and I looked out the window and the line was out the door going around the block!

We left Leopold's and made our way on foot to Savannah's Candy kitchen.

Along the way

We found moss to play with

As well as plenty of things to laugh about.

Little kid heaven.

All that candy to chose from and Millie goes for a candy bracelet that she promptly turns into a necklace. Got to love her!

I ended up buying pralines while Tracie bought some gophers (I think that is what they were called).

We watched while the employee made laffy taffy. He also threw some out to the crowd. We obtained several pieces.

So tempting!
We made our way back to our car

Thank goodness I make it a habit to workout with Millie regularly!!!

It was a nice little walk back to the car. We had to go through some of the squares we had already visited. These are not all the pictures from this day, there are just so many to go through still!!!
I leave you with this:

The Capital Building (wink, wink Tracie!).
The Jordan's.
We loaded up the car for the day though and got going.
Our snack options. Have I mentioned yet how much I love Tracie. She grows all this stuff on her property (well I think all of it... I know for sure the blueberries and tomatoes). The tomatoes are like little bites of heaven and so refreshing on a hot, humid day.
Our first stop was the Savannah Railroad Museum.
From a display inside the museum. This display also had trains that moved!!
Catching a ride on the hand cart.
Pushing Miss Millie.
Autumn and Forrest went too!
Silly Millie.
Checking out some of the old buildings.
What a neat place.
Cutie patootie Forrest a rootie.
After checking out the grounds, we hopped on a train and were treated to a little history lesson.
The train whistle was quite loud.
I guess Roww didn't mind.
Introducing my sweet friend Tracie and her grandson Forrest.
The train tour was really quite short, but worth it. On the grounds of the Railroad museum they have a children's museum. We went to check it out.
Autumn found this huge maze amazing!!!
Building blocks.
Right up Millie's alley.
Autumn's drawing. Hmmmmm
Cooling off like a princess.
We found a shady spot to picnic and enjoyed the food we brought. The kids played
On the big hill and Millie didn't blink an eye about climbing up that mountain in her princess gown.
Next up is Chippewa Square. If you don't know about it, you should look it up. There is a reason Forrest sitting on that bench is SO funny.
"My momma always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'"
"Stupid is as stupid does."
In case you didn't get it, here is a little hint....
Random Roww sighting.
Making her own patch......
We left Chippewa square and headed over to the Juliet Gordon Low house (J-Low was the founder of the Girl Scouts). Unfortunately there was a lot of construction going on with the outside of the house and the only way to "view" the inside of the house was a 40 minute tour. We just were not sure the children were going to want to do that so we opted to hang out in the gift shop and cool off for a few minutes. During this time, it started pouring. I mean really, really raining. We waited it out for a little bit and then decided to walk to our next destination in the rain.
Leopold's Ice Crean.
Going over in the rain was well worth it. There were maybe 3 or 4 people ahead of us in line. The rain quit by the time we ordered and I looked out the window and the line was out the door going around the block!
We left Leopold's and made our way on foot to Savannah's Candy kitchen.
Along the way
We found moss to play with
As well as plenty of things to laugh about.
Little kid heaven.
All that candy to chose from and Millie goes for a candy bracelet that she promptly turns into a necklace. Got to love her!
I ended up buying pralines while Tracie bought some gophers (I think that is what they were called).
We watched while the employee made laffy taffy. He also threw some out to the crowd. We obtained several pieces.
So tempting!
We made our way back to our car
Thank goodness I make it a habit to workout with Millie regularly!!!
It was a nice little walk back to the car. We had to go through some of the squares we had already visited. These are not all the pictures from this day, there are just so many to go through still!!!
I leave you with this:
The Capital Building (wink, wink Tracie!).
The Jordan's.