Our children are animals.
We've had a busy day. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I ran that hill I told you I would run six times today and then went off road as well. I forgot how much I enjoy trail running and I'm happy to start adding it back into my running regimen.

I know I complain a lot about Georgia, but I am grateful for a few things (Fall Line Trace/Flat Rock Park/Callaway Gardens).
After running, I came home and put the laundry away, showered, gassed up the Jeep (spilled gasoline all over myself again), picked up Millie, picked up your mom, went to Chickfila, ate lunch, picked up Autumn, went to Yogli Mogli, came home, put laundry away, made snacks for gymnastics, went to gymnastics, bribed (and taught Autumn the word bribe) Autumn to stop crying at gymnastics with $1, amazed myself that bribing with $1 worked, picked up Little Caesar's pizza, unloaded the Jeep, wrote the longest run on sentence in the history of the world making many grammatical errors just to mess with you............
While unloading the Jeep, Millie wanted to stay in it to watch Frozen. I figured that would be OK for a little while. I was chatting with my girlfriend, Krystal, on the phone when I hear a gush of water in the garage. My first thought was that we had a catastrophic leak in the Jeep. I run over to the door and discover.....

Millie panties in hand and her feet spread apart, just peeing like it was no big deal.........

What a stinker! I hosed the garage down as well as Millie's shoes, feet and legs. I did thank her for not peeing in the Jeep!!!
While we were in the Jeep waiting for Autumn, Millie pulled this out of her school bag:

It's a jellyfish. I think it is super cute!
After grabbing Autumn, we all headed over to YogliMogli. Your mom had not been there yet and well, we haven't had ice cream in a while.

True to Millie form, she had more sour gummy worms than ice cream.

Autumn mostly played on the little tablets there.
We are getting ready for bed shortly. I'm just going to call it a night when the girls do. I am somewhat looking forward to taking up the center of the bed tonight.
I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxox

I ran that hill I told you I would run six times today and then went off road as well. I forgot how much I enjoy trail running and I'm happy to start adding it back into my running regimen.

I know I complain a lot about Georgia, but I am grateful for a few things (Fall Line Trace/Flat Rock Park/Callaway Gardens).
After running, I came home and put the laundry away, showered, gassed up the Jeep (spilled gasoline all over myself again), picked up Millie, picked up your mom, went to Chickfila, ate lunch, picked up Autumn, went to Yogli Mogli, came home, put laundry away, made snacks for gymnastics, went to gymnastics, bribed (and taught Autumn the word bribe) Autumn to stop crying at gymnastics with $1, amazed myself that bribing with $1 worked, picked up Little Caesar's pizza, unloaded the Jeep, wrote the longest run on sentence in the history of the world making many grammatical errors just to mess with you............
While unloading the Jeep, Millie wanted to stay in it to watch Frozen. I figured that would be OK for a little while. I was chatting with my girlfriend, Krystal, on the phone when I hear a gush of water in the garage. My first thought was that we had a catastrophic leak in the Jeep. I run over to the door and discover.....

Millie panties in hand and her feet spread apart, just peeing like it was no big deal.........

What a stinker! I hosed the garage down as well as Millie's shoes, feet and legs. I did thank her for not peeing in the Jeep!!!
While we were in the Jeep waiting for Autumn, Millie pulled this out of her school bag:

It's a jellyfish. I think it is super cute!
After grabbing Autumn, we all headed over to YogliMogli. Your mom had not been there yet and well, we haven't had ice cream in a while.

True to Millie form, she had more sour gummy worms than ice cream.

Autumn mostly played on the little tablets there.
We are getting ready for bed shortly. I'm just going to call it a night when the girls do. I am somewhat looking forward to taking up the center of the bed tonight.
I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxox