Kindergarten Graduation

I have a few things to discuss with you this evening.... First of all, Millie's birthday is on Friday. Her party is in June. Millie really, really loves Elsa from Frozen. I found this: This cake is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! My *ahem* friends, say that I should try and make Millie this cake. Do you remember this gem??? A birthday cake I made you while you were deployed. Yeah, if that is my best artistic feat at making a cake, uhm.............. Millie is in trouble!!!!! On to Autumn's Author's Tea at school yesterday. She was cute as a button! After the singing, each child sat in front of the class and read a book they wrote, illustrated and published. Here is Autumn. Once everyone finished reading, each child was called up to receive a packet. Mrs Irvin told Autumn that she loved her. Autumn's packet had: Completion of Kindergarten. The Citizen Award. An excellent reading certificate. Autumn and her friend Kaleigh. Sill...