A day in the life of Cherish.
I suppose I need to do some catching up. It is the never ending story isn't it?!?!
Sean is out of town this week. He ran off to Fort Bragg for some First Sergeant Symposium (or something like that).
We received word in the past few weeks that the dreaded "D" word is in our future. 6 to 7 months. We haven't told the girls yet. We will wait until later. If you are my facebook friend, please don't advertise anything about deployment on my page (or your own if it is in regards to Sean the bomb).
The past few weeks have felt nonstop. It feels good to sit down and get a few things off my mind. I really need to nail down some sort of schedule in regards to my blog. I have a lot of unfinished stories on here!!
So on with today.
Since Sean was headed out of town and this up and coming week is psycho! I decided I should do my house chores that I usually reserve for Monday, today. I knew that later today we were going to a birthday party, so I worked diligently around the house.
As I make my way through the house, I decided it was time to take some pictures of something that Miss Millie started in the last few weeks.

She tapes random pictures/notes about the house. This one is in my bedroom.

This one is on the back of my door.
Some of these notes have meanings. If these two do, she hasn't informed me yet. I never know when or where I'll find a new one. On the one hand, I find it quite endearing. On the other hand, the notes can be creepy. Sometimes she makes a big deal out of them, but not often. She generally tapes them up without any to do and I just find them later.

These two are in the playroom.

Millie's husband and Bob the Lizard hanging out, but do you see that note on Millie's closet door? That note is for Ariel (the cat) and it says, "Do not get in my drawers Ariel."
Child is odd!!!
Back to my housework. Sorry for that tangent!
The JUNK drawer is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cleaned it up a bit. I got rid of what was garbage and just moved some stuff to my closet. I threw away cords to electronics we don't even own anymore.

This mess is just the small area our kitchen table is in. This mess is also just from Friday until today! WOW!!! Dirt mongers!!

This is proof that it is a worthwhile endeavor to wipe your counters, fridge, cabinets, sweep/mop your floors once a week. That is one week folks!!!

I took care of some laundry. I do believe you need to hang me a line in there. Our girls have so many items that do not go in the dryer. I try to find spots for them about the laundry room, but don't you think one of those fancy hotel thingamabobbers would work great in this room???

I cleaned up Autumn's school drawer. It is all set for this summer. I moved out the completed school work (some went to the trash, some went to the box where we have the things we are saving for her).

I cleaned out Millie's school drawer (same thing, I trashed some and put the others in the Millie location).
Then I see this.

Now. There are several different ways to interpret this gem.
1. You want me to read this book.
2. You want others to see this book and think that we are cool and nerdy.
3. You simply forgot it there and it doesn't mean anything.
4. All of the above.
Answer 4. Answer 4. Answer 4. DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!

I'm leaving the girls chairs in the living room. They really like these chairs.
I finally finish all my housework (I did the sweeping/mopping and vacuuming of all the rooms), laundry folded/put away, picked up the girls rooms. I get ready to sit down when I think I should go and look at the invitations. We were invited to 2 parties today. One was at 1 pm and the other at 2 pm. I thought we were going to the 2 pm party, but I see the invitation and it says 1 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even had a shower and it is 1215 pm. It takes like 20 minutes to get to Monkey Joe's. The girls are in PJs, no hair brushed!!! CRAP!! So I jump in the shower, get dressed, wrap the present, scream at the girls to get ready, socks and shoes, blah blah blah!!! We get out the door at 1253. No way are we going to be on time and of course the Jeep is on empty!!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived to the party a touch late and did not run out of gas.
The girls had a sweet time.
I got to catch up with some friends.
After the party, we stopped by Walmart to put gas in the Jeep and pick up a few items from Walmart (avocado, banana and mushrooms). We rented two movies from the red box. We are now watching movies and just chilling out. We really needed this chill time.
I imagine by now that you are in North Carolina.

Lexie, Millie and Autumn. Millie whispered to me, "MOM. Where is my cupcake? I don't want this pizza!!" It cracked me up!!

Autumn and the birthday boy, Boyd. Hard to believe they were in the 3 year old class at Cornerstone together!!
I hope you have a great week Sean the bomb. We shall be trying to just keep swimming over here.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Sean is out of town this week. He ran off to Fort Bragg for some First Sergeant Symposium (or something like that).
We received word in the past few weeks that the dreaded "D" word is in our future. 6 to 7 months. We haven't told the girls yet. We will wait until later. If you are my facebook friend, please don't advertise anything about deployment on my page (or your own if it is in regards to Sean the bomb).
The past few weeks have felt nonstop. It feels good to sit down and get a few things off my mind. I really need to nail down some sort of schedule in regards to my blog. I have a lot of unfinished stories on here!!
So on with today.
Since Sean was headed out of town and this up and coming week is psycho! I decided I should do my house chores that I usually reserve for Monday, today. I knew that later today we were going to a birthday party, so I worked diligently around the house.
As I make my way through the house, I decided it was time to take some pictures of something that Miss Millie started in the last few weeks.

She tapes random pictures/notes about the house. This one is in my bedroom.

This one is on the back of my door.
Some of these notes have meanings. If these two do, she hasn't informed me yet. I never know when or where I'll find a new one. On the one hand, I find it quite endearing. On the other hand, the notes can be creepy. Sometimes she makes a big deal out of them, but not often. She generally tapes them up without any to do and I just find them later.

These two are in the playroom.

Millie's husband and Bob the Lizard hanging out, but do you see that note on Millie's closet door? That note is for Ariel (the cat) and it says, "Do not get in my drawers Ariel."
Child is odd!!!
Back to my housework. Sorry for that tangent!
The JUNK drawer is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cleaned it up a bit. I got rid of what was garbage and just moved some stuff to my closet. I threw away cords to electronics we don't even own anymore.

This mess is just the small area our kitchen table is in. This mess is also just from Friday until today! WOW!!! Dirt mongers!!

This is proof that it is a worthwhile endeavor to wipe your counters, fridge, cabinets, sweep/mop your floors once a week. That is one week folks!!!

I took care of some laundry. I do believe you need to hang me a line in there. Our girls have so many items that do not go in the dryer. I try to find spots for them about the laundry room, but don't you think one of those fancy hotel thingamabobbers would work great in this room???

I cleaned up Autumn's school drawer. It is all set for this summer. I moved out the completed school work (some went to the trash, some went to the box where we have the things we are saving for her).

I cleaned out Millie's school drawer (same thing, I trashed some and put the others in the Millie location).
Then I see this.

Now. There are several different ways to interpret this gem.
1. You want me to read this book.
2. You want others to see this book and think that we are cool and nerdy.
3. You simply forgot it there and it doesn't mean anything.
4. All of the above.
Answer 4. Answer 4. Answer 4. DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!

I'm leaving the girls chairs in the living room. They really like these chairs.
I finally finish all my housework (I did the sweeping/mopping and vacuuming of all the rooms), laundry folded/put away, picked up the girls rooms. I get ready to sit down when I think I should go and look at the invitations. We were invited to 2 parties today. One was at 1 pm and the other at 2 pm. I thought we were going to the 2 pm party, but I see the invitation and it says 1 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even had a shower and it is 1215 pm. It takes like 20 minutes to get to Monkey Joe's. The girls are in PJs, no hair brushed!!! CRAP!! So I jump in the shower, get dressed, wrap the present, scream at the girls to get ready, socks and shoes, blah blah blah!!! We get out the door at 1253. No way are we going to be on time and of course the Jeep is on empty!!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived to the party a touch late and did not run out of gas.
The girls had a sweet time.
I got to catch up with some friends.
After the party, we stopped by Walmart to put gas in the Jeep and pick up a few items from Walmart (avocado, banana and mushrooms). We rented two movies from the red box. We are now watching movies and just chilling out. We really needed this chill time.
I imagine by now that you are in North Carolina.

Lexie, Millie and Autumn. Millie whispered to me, "MOM. Where is my cupcake? I don't want this pizza!!" It cracked me up!!

Autumn and the birthday boy, Boyd. Hard to believe they were in the 3 year old class at Cornerstone together!!
I hope you have a great week Sean the bomb. We shall be trying to just keep swimming over here.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
