Kindergarten Graduation
I have a few things to discuss with you this evening....
First of all, Millie's birthday is on Friday. Her party is in June. Millie really, really loves Elsa from Frozen. I found this:

This cake is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! My *ahem* friends, say that I should try and make Millie this cake.
Do you remember this gem???

A birthday cake I made you while you were deployed.
Yeah, if that is my best artistic feat at making a cake, uhm.............. Millie is in trouble!!!!!
On to Autumn's Author's Tea at school yesterday.

She was cute as a button!
After the singing, each child sat in front of the class and read a book they wrote, illustrated and published.
Here is Autumn.
Once everyone finished reading, each child was called up to receive a packet.

Mrs Irvin told Autumn that she loved her.
Autumn's packet had:

Completion of Kindergarten.

The Citizen Award.

An excellent reading certificate.

Autumn and her friend Kaleigh.

Silly faces!!!!

Autumn and Camri.

Mrs Blanton, Autumn and Mrs Irvin.

Random thought/picture. Google really does know what/where/when I'm doing things!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love running. I hate running. I hate/love running. Oh my goodness! It is so freaking hot! The girls weigh a thousand pounds! Will it ever stop!!

Millie had ballet today and we discovered that she requires makeup for the recital. I've enlisted the help of a local friend. She is going to show me how to do some makeup magic. Thank goodness because I really am clueless when it comes to makeup.

Autumn finally photo bombed Millie back!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHA
While I sit here and write this to you, I had my youtube account up to post the videos in my blog for you and this video came up:
I was already just missing you and then that came up. I just don't want to do it again. It is my prayer every night that something will change and you will not have to go. I know it is foolish to think it will happen, but maybe, maybe?
To close, I will share a family picture for you. I feel like this accurately represent each one of us girls. I think you know who is who.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
First of all, Millie's birthday is on Friday. Her party is in June. Millie really, really loves Elsa from Frozen. I found this:

This cake is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! My *ahem* friends, say that I should try and make Millie this cake.
Do you remember this gem???

A birthday cake I made you while you were deployed.
Yeah, if that is my best artistic feat at making a cake, uhm.............. Millie is in trouble!!!!!
On to Autumn's Author's Tea at school yesterday.

She was cute as a button!
After the singing, each child sat in front of the class and read a book they wrote, illustrated and published.
Here is Autumn.
Once everyone finished reading, each child was called up to receive a packet.

Mrs Irvin told Autumn that she loved her.
Autumn's packet had:

Completion of Kindergarten.

The Citizen Award.

An excellent reading certificate.

Autumn and her friend Kaleigh.

Silly faces!!!!

Autumn and Camri.

Mrs Blanton, Autumn and Mrs Irvin.

Random thought/picture. Google really does know what/where/when I'm doing things!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love running. I hate running. I hate/love running. Oh my goodness! It is so freaking hot! The girls weigh a thousand pounds! Will it ever stop!!

Millie had ballet today and we discovered that she requires makeup for the recital. I've enlisted the help of a local friend. She is going to show me how to do some makeup magic. Thank goodness because I really am clueless when it comes to makeup.

Autumn finally photo bombed Millie back!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHA
While I sit here and write this to you, I had my youtube account up to post the videos in my blog for you and this video came up:
I was already just missing you and then that came up. I just don't want to do it again. It is my prayer every night that something will change and you will not have to go. I know it is foolish to think it will happen, but maybe, maybe?
To close, I will share a family picture for you. I feel like this accurately represent each one of us girls. I think you know who is who.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
