Independence Day Camping.
There is going to be a lot of pictures. There is going to be a lot of pictures of the girls. Just wanted to get that out of the way.
After we loaded up the Jeep, I walk outside and the girls have Ariel (the cat) with them. She took off just as I was snapping a photo.

Could she look any more stupid?
Like most of our trips,

we require a stop at KK.

Donut holes!

Bass Pro Shops is stop #2.

Got to get our guns on.

After a stop for lunch, we drove down this very long dirt road and spotted our campsite. It wasn't the one I had in mind, but it was the only one that seemed appealing. I was surprised how busy the campground was. The year before, it was a ghost town.

Winner winner!

Complete with a river running through camp. The girls see this as an opportunity to collect rocks, "gold" and get wet.

Why are you interrupting me trying to find gold? After a few minutes, she found some!

It does kind of look like gold.

Millie approved.

Millie loved this spot because there was a flowering tree right over where the tent would go.

It was a pretty little spot.
Time for the work to begin. I grabbed my camp chair from the tent and had a seat.

Millie "helping"....
Through computer magic, just like that

BAM!! Tent is up. What is all this hard work Sean is talking about? Camping seems pretty easy to me.

Time to get firewood.

Maybe this is the work? I think he is having fun. It doesn't look like work at all.

See. I guess if graham cracker mustaches is work....

Or chillin in your camp chair is work.....

Getting dinner ready. Steak, shrooms, onions.

I decided to do some reading (aka work).

The girls were gymnasticing.

Then having a pre-dinner dessert.

I think you are going to have to move closer to the fire Millie.

Her first smore.

Her first smore.

Viola! Dinner is done.

Time for some fireworks.

Millie is only a little bit scary with sparklers. No one died. That is good I guess.
After we had dinner, we (us girls) needed to use the bathroom. The bathroom was a mile or two down the road, so we headed out in the Jeep and left Sean to play at camp.

The river is wider near the bathroom and we could hear it from the road and wanted to check it out. I'm not sure why the goofy faces!

Autumn spotted this bider at the bathroom and remembered that last year, while camping here, one of them snuck in the Jeep and gave us a good scare.
She decided to conquer her fear of spiders by:

touching it! I was super proud of her because I wouldn't have done that!!
We drove back to camp and when we arrived, Sean was sawing off the top of a tree stump.

Millie pitched a fit! She started crying and carrying on that Sean had hurt the tree. Honestly, she was just tired. We still had to wait for it to get dark so we could get the fire works going.

She does look a lot like me, doesn't she.

Sweet girl.

This reminded me of that picture floating around facebook world. Go camping they said!!! It will be fun they said!! Biders, bpiders everywhere!!!

Getting our headlamps ready for night time.

Is it ever going to get dark? We have illegal activity to get to.

Millie, if you are going to tell scary ghost stories, you are going to have to work on it because all I want to do right now is laugh!!

Not losing her tonight.

Marshmallow bombs??

Pyro getting ready for pyromania.

Finally darkness arrived and the show began.
Autumn stood at the back of the camp watching the show because if the police came, she didn't want to get arrested. I'll admit it, I was a little nervous because I knew we weren't supposed to be shooting off fireworks there, but all is well that ends well, right?!

Time for bed. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
The Jordan's.
After we loaded up the Jeep, I walk outside and the girls have Ariel (the cat) with them. She took off just as I was snapping a photo.
Could she look any more stupid?
Like most of our trips,
we require a stop at KK.
Donut holes!

Bass Pro Shops is stop #2.

Got to get our guns on.

After a stop for lunch, we drove down this very long dirt road and spotted our campsite. It wasn't the one I had in mind, but it was the only one that seemed appealing. I was surprised how busy the campground was. The year before, it was a ghost town.
Winner winner!
Complete with a river running through camp. The girls see this as an opportunity to collect rocks, "gold" and get wet.
Why are you interrupting me trying to find gold? After a few minutes, she found some!
It does kind of look like gold.

Millie approved.
Millie loved this spot because there was a flowering tree right over where the tent would go.

It was a pretty little spot.
Time for the work to begin. I grabbed my camp chair from the tent and had a seat.
Millie "helping"....
Through computer magic, just like that

BAM!! Tent is up. What is all this hard work Sean is talking about? Camping seems pretty easy to me.
Time to get firewood.
Maybe this is the work? I think he is having fun. It doesn't look like work at all.
See. I guess if graham cracker mustaches is work....
Or chillin in your camp chair is work.....
Getting dinner ready. Steak, shrooms, onions.
I decided to do some reading (aka work).
The girls were gymnasticing.
Then having a pre-dinner dessert.
I think you are going to have to move closer to the fire Millie.
Her first smore.
Her first smore.
Viola! Dinner is done.
Time for some fireworks.
Millie is only a little bit scary with sparklers. No one died. That is good I guess.
After we had dinner, we (us girls) needed to use the bathroom. The bathroom was a mile or two down the road, so we headed out in the Jeep and left Sean to play at camp.
The river is wider near the bathroom and we could hear it from the road and wanted to check it out. I'm not sure why the goofy faces!
Autumn spotted this bider at the bathroom and remembered that last year, while camping here, one of them snuck in the Jeep and gave us a good scare.
She decided to conquer her fear of spiders by:
touching it! I was super proud of her because I wouldn't have done that!!
We drove back to camp and when we arrived, Sean was sawing off the top of a tree stump.
Millie pitched a fit! She started crying and carrying on that Sean had hurt the tree. Honestly, she was just tired. We still had to wait for it to get dark so we could get the fire works going.
She does look a lot like me, doesn't she.
Sweet girl.
This reminded me of that picture floating around facebook world. Go camping they said!!! It will be fun they said!! Biders, bpiders everywhere!!!

Getting our headlamps ready for night time.

Is it ever going to get dark? We have illegal activity to get to.

Millie, if you are going to tell scary ghost stories, you are going to have to work on it because all I want to do right now is laugh!!
Not losing her tonight.
Marshmallow bombs??
Pyro getting ready for pyromania.
Finally darkness arrived and the show began.
Autumn stood at the back of the camp watching the show because if the police came, she didn't want to get arrested. I'll admit it, I was a little nervous because I knew we weren't supposed to be shooting off fireworks there, but all is well that ends well, right?!
Time for bed. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
The Jordan's.