Flat Rock Climbing

At least one enjoyable part of Georgia life is Flat Rock park. I often run near it, sometimes through it, most of the time around it! I enjoy going to this park when Sean is around. You do have to be mindful of the homeless people although I have mostly found them to be harmless. Parts of the park are run down. I don't believe there are very many operating restrooms in there (they keep shutting them down because the vagrants try to live in them). Anyway, under the right conditions, it is a great park. We decided we had to take the girls rock climbing since Millie was so determined to do it. NH1 is up first. Just kidding! This isn't the rock climbing. We're just posing!! We like to have a picture taken.... Can you tell?? Sean getting the gear ready. People probably think I help in these endeavors, but I'm simply a bystander that does as she is told. Testing it out. Millie doesn't even need ropes. She got to the top all by herself withou...