The first day of First Grade.
Autumn's meet and greet with her first grade teacher happened on Tuesday of this week. Her teacher's name is Ms Vaughn. There is also a student teacher, Miss Dishman and the parapro is Mrs Ray.

My first impression of Ms Vaughn was that she was quite organized. She seemed very nice, but also like she wasn't going to take any guff from anyone. I think that is exactly the sort of teacher that Autumn excels with. Autumn really needs an orderly classroom environment and I believe Ms Vaughn will provide that.
Autumn's comments about Ms Vaughn: "She has a very nice voice."
HA HA!!!
This morning went very much how I expected it other than Millie woke up first. The last few days when Millie wakes, she says, "Mom? Was I the first one up today?" Yes you are Millie. She then says, "Yay!" I guess it is sort of a competition. I don't really mind this little change in events because usually Millie is the last to wake up and she is always reluctant to get out of bed. Heaven help you if you try to wake her before SHE is ready.
For breakfast, Autumn had chocolate waffles (yuck!) and her usual coffee. I made her lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fresh strawberries, Maille pickles and cheezit crackers.
Once everyone was ready, it was time for a little photo shoot.

Millie wanted in a picture!


I cannot believe how much she has grown!!!
Millie demanded a picture of herself. Look at the changes for her from 2013 to 2014.

As we climbed into the Jeep, we noticed that Ariel was hanging out on the fence.
After a short drive and a short walk, we arrived at school. Autumn was like a professional at this. It only hurt a little bit that she refused to hold anyone's hand. I guess that is better than having a kid who is crying and refuses to let go.

This is how she looked when we left. We kept our visit nice and short and left shortly after the bell rang. I hope she is having a super fabulous day!! I Know she will.
When Millie and I arrived home, Millie was riding her bike in the drive way when she took a face plant. OUCH!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, there was minimal damage, but I'm pretty sure she'll have a nice big bruise on her forehead for her first day of school.

We are off to meet and greet with Mrs Keri at Millie's school. Her first day is on Monday. She'll get a post just for her on that day.
The Jordan's.

My first impression of Ms Vaughn was that she was quite organized. She seemed very nice, but also like she wasn't going to take any guff from anyone. I think that is exactly the sort of teacher that Autumn excels with. Autumn really needs an orderly classroom environment and I believe Ms Vaughn will provide that.
Autumn's comments about Ms Vaughn: "She has a very nice voice."
HA HA!!!
This morning went very much how I expected it other than Millie woke up first. The last few days when Millie wakes, she says, "Mom? Was I the first one up today?" Yes you are Millie. She then says, "Yay!" I guess it is sort of a competition. I don't really mind this little change in events because usually Millie is the last to wake up and she is always reluctant to get out of bed. Heaven help you if you try to wake her before SHE is ready.
For breakfast, Autumn had chocolate waffles (yuck!) and her usual coffee. I made her lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fresh strawberries, Maille pickles and cheezit crackers.
Once everyone was ready, it was time for a little photo shoot.

Millie wanted in a picture!


I cannot believe how much she has grown!!!
Millie demanded a picture of herself. Look at the changes for her from 2013 to 2014.

As we climbed into the Jeep, we noticed that Ariel was hanging out on the fence.
After a short drive and a short walk, we arrived at school. Autumn was like a professional at this. It only hurt a little bit that she refused to hold anyone's hand. I guess that is better than having a kid who is crying and refuses to let go.

This is how she looked when we left. We kept our visit nice and short and left shortly after the bell rang. I hope she is having a super fabulous day!! I Know she will.
When Millie and I arrived home, Millie was riding her bike in the drive way when she took a face plant. OUCH!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, there was minimal damage, but I'm pretty sure she'll have a nice big bruise on her forehead for her first day of school.

We are off to meet and greet with Mrs Keri at Millie's school. Her first day is on Monday. She'll get a post just for her on that day.
The Jordan's.