Trail River Campground
Sean and I spotted Trail River Campground back in April on a trip down to Seward.
I was excited to go back when the lake was not frozen.
We reserved a tent site online and based on the online system, it looked like the campground was really full.
When we arrived, there were lots of reserved signs, but on closer inspection, some of the reserved signs were for dates that had passed or in the future.
There were many spots available.
Anyway, we met the campground host and he informed us that he and his wife were bleaching ALL the bathrooms every day.
These were the cleanest campground bathrooms I have ever seen.
The cost for tent sites is $18 per day.
There is a two week limit.
Dogs are allowed and I found this to be a very dog friendly place.
If I had to complain about anything it would be that it was kind of noisy.
I wasn't sure at first if it was the river or if it was car traffic noise I was hearing.
I do like to have white noise when I'm falling asleep, but when I go camping, I want to feel like I'm in the wilderness.
Was it enough for me to not use this campground again? NO.
I thought we were missing out on lake front sites, but with how much wind there was in the evening, I was glad we were in some.
It was a quick enough walk to the lake.
I did not end up putting the kayak in the water because the water was so choppy due to the wind.
The last evening there, the lake was perfect for kayaking, but I was wore out from almost 11 miles worth of hiking.
Here are the photos:

I'm not sure Millie has enough scrunchies for camping?!

Dingo had been nervous all morning, not really sure if he was going with us or not.
Once he seemed convince he was coming with the family, he was pretty content!

The campground map.

Spruce woods, the loop we were in.
We had spot #61.

The lake shore.

Back in camp.

He felt at home in his crate.

Autumn in Sean's discounted REI buy.

HOW did this happen?
I was so flabbergasted, I had to take a picture of it.

This scary bug flew into camp.

I don't know what on earth it was, but it flew off with some prompting from Sean.

UHM....Sean working.
Girls.... not working!

The story of his life!


Found a dinosaur on my way to the bathroom!

Dingo frolicking at the lake.

This isn't going to be a fail.


Getting close to sunset.

My sweet Millie girl.

My sweet Autumn girl.

Cheese sunset.

Autumn took this picture of Millie.
I love it!

Coronavirus! ACK!

Sunset in camp.

Autumn and Millie were pretending to be on TV.
They were doing the Mickey house clubhouse song.
This is the goofy dance! HA!

Sunset back at the lake.

My new favorite picture of Dingo.

Sean took me on a little hike through the campground.
I came across this fireweed and all I could think was,
"I think we're alone now."

Autumn making silly faces.
She didn't know I was taking pictures!
The girls also made two videos:

Sunrise. This was Thursday morning. I thought it was beautiful.
The Jordan's.
I was excited to go back when the lake was not frozen.
We reserved a tent site online and based on the online system, it looked like the campground was really full.
When we arrived, there were lots of reserved signs, but on closer inspection, some of the reserved signs were for dates that had passed or in the future.
There were many spots available.
Anyway, we met the campground host and he informed us that he and his wife were bleaching ALL the bathrooms every day.
These were the cleanest campground bathrooms I have ever seen.
The cost for tent sites is $18 per day.
There is a two week limit.
Dogs are allowed and I found this to be a very dog friendly place.
If I had to complain about anything it would be that it was kind of noisy.
I wasn't sure at first if it was the river or if it was car traffic noise I was hearing.
I do like to have white noise when I'm falling asleep, but when I go camping, I want to feel like I'm in the wilderness.
Was it enough for me to not use this campground again? NO.
I thought we were missing out on lake front sites, but with how much wind there was in the evening, I was glad we were in some.
It was a quick enough walk to the lake.
I did not end up putting the kayak in the water because the water was so choppy due to the wind.
The last evening there, the lake was perfect for kayaking, but I was wore out from almost 11 miles worth of hiking.
Here are the photos:

I'm not sure Millie has enough scrunchies for camping?!

Dingo had been nervous all morning, not really sure if he was going with us or not.
Once he seemed convince he was coming with the family, he was pretty content!

The campground map.

Spruce woods, the loop we were in.
We had spot #61.

The lake shore.

Back in camp.

He felt at home in his crate.

Autumn in Sean's discounted REI buy.

HOW did this happen?
I was so flabbergasted, I had to take a picture of it.

This scary bug flew into camp.

I don't know what on earth it was, but it flew off with some prompting from Sean.

UHM....Sean working.
Girls.... not working!

The story of his life!


Found a dinosaur on my way to the bathroom!

Dingo frolicking at the lake.

This isn't going to be a fail.


Getting close to sunset.

My sweet Millie girl.

My sweet Autumn girl.

Cheese sunset.

Autumn took this picture of Millie.
I love it!

Coronavirus! ACK!

Sunset in camp.

Autumn and Millie were pretending to be on TV.
They were doing the Mickey house clubhouse song.
This is the goofy dance! HA!

Sunset back at the lake.

My new favorite picture of Dingo.

Sean took me on a little hike through the campground.
I came across this fireweed and all I could think was,
"I think we're alone now."

Autumn making silly faces.
She didn't know I was taking pictures!
The girls also made two videos:

Sunrise. This was Thursday morning. I thought it was beautiful.
The Jordan's.