Lower Winner Creek (a hike and a paddle).

I woke up and noticed there was blood in my port line. That isn't normal, but it was trapped between to two locks. I decided to call the infusion clinic and they told me not to worry about it, they'll look at it during my appointment. With that out of the way, we took off for Girdwood. Sean wanted to paddle and since I could not, I figured I go looking for mushrooms along lower winner creek. He's a fun guy. Get it.... I want to say that was a mile (with his boat) walk. Everyone passing us had to stop and talk or gawk at him... I think his head grew three times the size that day. No, I wasn't jealous at all. The put in for Glacier Creek. The confluence of Glacier Creek and Winner Creek. Obligatory banana picture. This dude doesn't ever answer my calls.... I guess you could say that Sean activated this river. He was able to put out some intel on in here . I thought this fungi looked like a snail. Girdwood has so many mushrooms! After our hike/paddle, Sean and I went...