Palmer Rail Trail.

Finally made it out to the Palmer Rail Trail.

It was so much fun and of course we need to go back when I'm free of my sling to do some more exploring.

OMG!  They killed Kenny!

Lazy Mountain and Matanuska Peak visible.

You could really smell the high bush cranberries.

This part was a little sketchy for a one armed clutz like me, but we all managed with no issues.

Reminds me of the little grand canyon in Georgia, but different colors.

Dingo went down to those water and was happily chasing, but not catching any salmon.  

I really wanted to go down there, but it didn't look like a smart choice for today.

Maybe next time.

So many mushrooms out there!  These were so gray.

The first rail car we could climb into.

Can you hear me now?

Sleepy hollow.  HA!

Puff ball-ish.

Sweet Millie.

I don't know what was going on with her, but she would not go in there.

Something to do with spider webs.

It was hard to capture it, but these leaves were shimmering gold.

We did six miles round trip, but the trail goes straight through to Moose Creek Campground 6.1 miles.

After our hike, we stopped by McDonald's where everyone complained about how gross the food was!

The family went home and I headed to the hospital for my antibiotic infusion.

When I came home, I found Dingo laying on my electric blanket and he had turned it on!!!!

The Jordan's.


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