Curly vs. Straight
Autumn is starting to get some hair and it's about time!!! I think it is going to be curly, but Sean swears up and down it will be straight. Either way it doesn't matter to me so long as she FINALLY gets some HAIR!!!

By the way, she is working on teeth #3 and 4 (her top front teeth).
Autumn's BFF left for Arkansas today. I hope Cindy, Travis and Dylan have a safe flight. Crossing my fingers for Dylan sleeping most of the way. Take care you guys and see you in a few weeks!
By the way, she is working on teeth #3 and 4 (her top front teeth).
Autumn's BFF left for Arkansas today. I hope Cindy, Travis and Dylan have a safe flight. Crossing my fingers for Dylan sleeping most of the way. Take care you guys and see you in a few weeks!