Girls will be girls.
Autumn was so confused about yesterday. "Mommy, is daddy jumping out of the airplane?" Even though I tried to explain that you got on a plane and went away to work, she thinks you are jumping out of the plane and expects to see you. When we got done at the gym today, she saw the Jeep out front and said daddy is here. I suppose a few more days will go by and she will get it.
I bought the portable DVD player last night, charged it up and it has been running every since! Autumn loves that she can watch a movie in the car. I think it will be wonderful to have on our great big airplane ride next week.
Can you believe that is next week. I must be out of my ever loving mind to travel so far with two little people. I'm so excited to see everyone though and have a great big birthday bash for Autumn.
OK, I don't have any pictures to share right now. I'll see if I cannot snap some off after nap time so that you can see your beautiful little girls.
OK took some pictures right at nap time.

This is Autumn's idea of a wonderful naptime!

The non stop "Buzz TV."

Emelia wants to see too!

I don't know why these turned out so dark, but she really liked sitting in Autumn's chair.

Then out of nowhere....

Take a close look at what Autumn is getting ready to do. YEP! She took her arm and knocked Emelia right out of the chair. Thankfully I caught her and had a stern talk with Autumn.

Emelia was none the wiser though! Yes, that is blueberry on her shirt. I'm amazed at how slovenly she is.

Autumn wanted to say to you that she loves you and that you are a good girl.
It is very lightly snowing. Hopefully I won't have to shovel today!
I love you and miss you dearly.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

1 day without you.
I bought the portable DVD player last night, charged it up and it has been running every since! Autumn loves that she can watch a movie in the car. I think it will be wonderful to have on our great big airplane ride next week.
Can you believe that is next week. I must be out of my ever loving mind to travel so far with two little people. I'm so excited to see everyone though and have a great big birthday bash for Autumn.
OK, I don't have any pictures to share right now. I'll see if I cannot snap some off after nap time so that you can see your beautiful little girls.
OK took some pictures right at nap time.
This is Autumn's idea of a wonderful naptime!
The non stop "Buzz TV."
Emelia wants to see too!
I don't know why these turned out so dark, but she really liked sitting in Autumn's chair.
Then out of nowhere....
Take a close look at what Autumn is getting ready to do. YEP! She took her arm and knocked Emelia right out of the chair. Thankfully I caught her and had a stern talk with Autumn.
Emelia was none the wiser though! Yes, that is blueberry on her shirt. I'm amazed at how slovenly she is.
Autumn wanted to say to you that she loves you and that you are a good girl.
It is very lightly snowing. Hopefully I won't have to shovel today!
I love you and miss you dearly.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
1 day without you.