Tag team.
Sometimes I think it isn't truly possible for you to understand the world I live in. I went from being an active duty member in the Air Force, where I dealt with on a daily basis, whining/lying/childish behavior from adults, to being a mother, where lets face it.... there is an awful lot of whining. On the upside, at least they are actually children and at least they are cute whilst doing it.
So here is the situation. Autumn spilled something on her blanket (barbecue sauce). The blanket is old, three years old at least. The blanket is falling apart. I am doing my best not to wash it very often, but there was no way to get around the sauce.
I knew it was going to be an issue with Autumn, she can barely stand to be separated from said blanket. I thought that if she "helped" me clean it, maybe she wouldn't be so distraught.

Wrong! She sat there for quite sometime. She cried. She would get down and check on blanket in the washing machine occasionally. I did my best to distract her.


A boo. Alas, she could not be consoled. Once we got blanket cleaned and dried, I handed it to her where she proceeded to have another break down because it has holes in it now. She told me her blanket was "broking." It is so sad. I'm not sure what else I can do for the poor girl. Back to what I was originally talking about..... While I was trying to take care of Autumn, Emelia was down stairs getting into

My diaper bag. Are you kidding me?

Don't tell me she didn't know she was being bad.

Yes, that is my Nook! These girls are tag teaming me. I'm one person. I cannot be every where all at once. Someone told me to look at the bright side, at least they are working together. I suppose that is true.
We decided we needed to go have some fun today and met up with Miss Angie, Riley and Reagan. The Imaginarium. We haven't been there in a while.
Take a look at this flash back:

Can you believe that was just 5 months ago? Emelia looked like an alien.

Hard to believe one little person can change so much in such a short time. Good grief, even Autumn looks a bit different.

I guess in no time at all we will be out of Alaska and our children will be all grown up. Serenity now!
Enough flash backs, lets get back to today.

Much closer and one of them will fall in.

I'm sure you can guess which "little" person this one is.

The thing I like about this picture is little Miss Reagan in the background. Doesn't she look deep in thought! I think the Craine's have a future scientist on their hands.

Riley calling out, "Autumn."

Again, I call attention to a person in the background. Are you telling me she isn't plotting up something bad right now?

The shrimps making big mountains!

Stick 'em up.

So this thing that Emelia and Reagan are sitting on is really neat. Every where they touch or put weight lily pads bloom, or dragon flies fly. Do you notice where all the stuff is popping up is under "little" miss Emelia and not itty bitty!

The girls were pretty in to it.

Reagan thought it was pretty cool and probably said something really profound and scientific, but Emelia

was like, are you kidding me?

There were jelly fish.

Snapping turtles.


Autumn tried to get a black eye. She crawled through something and smacked her eye. Poor girl.

Autumn's bubble.
After all that, we went to the mall for lunch, went to Freddy's for a suitcase (that I didn't find), went to Toys R Us for headphones for the DVD player/plane ride, and finally.......

Autumn had enough. She was tired! Done in! Had a rough day. Her eye is looking puffy and like it will turn black. Who knows? Maybe it will look better in the morning. We shall see.
Do well tomorrow and Monday. I love you and miss you something awful. I'm really hoping you make it back before we leave. Autumn thinks we are getting on the plane to go and see you at work. I keep explaining that we are going to see Grandma's and Grandpa's.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Four days without you.
So here is the situation. Autumn spilled something on her blanket (barbecue sauce). The blanket is old, three years old at least. The blanket is falling apart. I am doing my best not to wash it very often, but there was no way to get around the sauce.
I knew it was going to be an issue with Autumn, she can barely stand to be separated from said blanket. I thought that if she "helped" me clean it, maybe she wouldn't be so distraught.
Wrong! She sat there for quite sometime. She cried. She would get down and check on blanket in the washing machine occasionally. I did my best to distract her.
A boo. Alas, she could not be consoled. Once we got blanket cleaned and dried, I handed it to her where she proceeded to have another break down because it has holes in it now. She told me her blanket was "broking." It is so sad. I'm not sure what else I can do for the poor girl. Back to what I was originally talking about..... While I was trying to take care of Autumn, Emelia was down stairs getting into
My diaper bag. Are you kidding me?
Don't tell me she didn't know she was being bad.
Yes, that is my Nook! These girls are tag teaming me. I'm one person. I cannot be every where all at once. Someone told me to look at the bright side, at least they are working together. I suppose that is true.
We decided we needed to go have some fun today and met up with Miss Angie, Riley and Reagan. The Imaginarium. We haven't been there in a while.
Take a look at this flash back:
Can you believe that was just 5 months ago? Emelia looked like an alien.
Hard to believe one little person can change so much in such a short time. Good grief, even Autumn looks a bit different.
I guess in no time at all we will be out of Alaska and our children will be all grown up. Serenity now!
Enough flash backs, lets get back to today.
Much closer and one of them will fall in.
I'm sure you can guess which "little" person this one is.
The thing I like about this picture is little Miss Reagan in the background. Doesn't she look deep in thought! I think the Craine's have a future scientist on their hands.
Riley calling out, "Autumn."
Again, I call attention to a person in the background. Are you telling me she isn't plotting up something bad right now?
The shrimps making big mountains!
Stick 'em up.
So this thing that Emelia and Reagan are sitting on is really neat. Every where they touch or put weight lily pads bloom, or dragon flies fly. Do you notice where all the stuff is popping up is under "little" miss Emelia and not itty bitty!
The girls were pretty in to it.
Reagan thought it was pretty cool and probably said something really profound and scientific, but Emelia
was like, are you kidding me?
There were jelly fish.
Snapping turtles.
Autumn tried to get a black eye. She crawled through something and smacked her eye. Poor girl.
Autumn's bubble.
After all that, we went to the mall for lunch, went to Freddy's for a suitcase (that I didn't find), went to Toys R Us for headphones for the DVD player/plane ride, and finally.......
Autumn had enough. She was tired! Done in! Had a rough day. Her eye is looking puffy and like it will turn black. Who knows? Maybe it will look better in the morning. We shall see.
Do well tomorrow and Monday. I love you and miss you something awful. I'm really hoping you make it back before we leave. Autumn thinks we are getting on the plane to go and see you at work. I keep explaining that we are going to see Grandma's and Grandpa's.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Four days without you.