Tick teat.
What is tick teat? The way Emelia says Trick or treat. We had such a blast this Halloween. It was nice not having to navigate little monsters through 20 degree weather and/or snow! We got to spend time with some of our family too. Here are the pictures.

You ever tried getting a picture of 6 monsters under the age of 4?

Take Two.

Millie the "gary bider."

Autumn Harvest the wicked witch.

Jennifer and Violet.

We left gramps behind to hand out the candy.

We hit up the neighbors first.

Three little monkey's and a witch!

Thank you Sean!

Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
You ever tried getting a picture of 6 monsters under the age of 4?
Take Two.
Millie the "gary bider."
Autumn Harvest the wicked witch.
Jennifer and Violet.
We left gramps behind to hand out the candy.
We hit up the neighbors first.
Three little monkey's and a witch!
Thank you Sean!
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!