Letters to Santa.
My girls sat down and wrote a letter to Santa.

Autumn wrote "sod" and asked for a baby.

Emelia said, "ho, ho, ho."

I think Autumn needs a little less coffee.

After carefully decorating each paper and the envelope.

We took our Santa mail to the mall.

Is Santa in here?

Let me look for you Millie.

After dropping off Santa mail, we headed over to see the big guy for a photo.

We waited.

And waited (crooked eye finally got her doctor appointment for next week, will update you on the status of that after the appointment).

Is Santa ever coming back from lunch?

Waited some more.

After more than an hour, Santa finally made his debut and wouldn't you know it, neither girl would let us get their photo. I won't lie, I was upset by this. I told Autumn if she was so afraid of Santa, maybe he shouldn't even come to our house. Man, I am a mean mom!

We headed home and decided to take our own little photo shoot.

Autumn is getting easier and easier to get a photo of, she loves to have her picture taken.

Autumn thought our tree out front needed some Christmas on it.

They decorated, while I took pictures.

Autumn showing off her frosty.

Sweet, silly girl.

Putting her own special touch on the tree.

Millie giving Autumn a kiss.

Her running really cracks me up.

The Jordan's.
Autumn wrote "sod" and asked for a baby.
Emelia said, "ho, ho, ho."
I think Autumn needs a little less coffee.
After carefully decorating each paper and the envelope.
We took our Santa mail to the mall.
Is Santa in here?
Let me look for you Millie.
After dropping off Santa mail, we headed over to see the big guy for a photo.
We waited.
And waited (crooked eye finally got her doctor appointment for next week, will update you on the status of that after the appointment).
Is Santa ever coming back from lunch?
Waited some more.
After more than an hour, Santa finally made his debut and wouldn't you know it, neither girl would let us get their photo. I won't lie, I was upset by this. I told Autumn if she was so afraid of Santa, maybe he shouldn't even come to our house. Man, I am a mean mom!
We headed home and decided to take our own little photo shoot.
Autumn is getting easier and easier to get a photo of, she loves to have her picture taken.
Autumn thought our tree out front needed some Christmas on it.
They decorated, while I took pictures.
Autumn showing off her frosty.
Sweet, silly girl.
Putting her own special touch on the tree.
Millie giving Autumn a kiss.
Her running really cracks me up.
The Jordan's.