Cool things.
A few things that Millie has shared with me.
1. My Millie name is cool.
2. I am not going to marry Bob. Bob the lizard is going to marry me.
Something Millie has done:

Mom! Look at my cool tattoos.

And my black toe (thank you Autumn).

You think she really will marry bob the lizard? She sure does like him.... she tucks him in every night.

Take a picture of my cheese face for daddy.

I fixed my own hair.
Enough of Millie.... now it is my turn.

I think definitely have some sort of sickness going on. I am sweating profusely the last few days. I mean I usually do sweat when I work out, but my hair was so soaked with sweat, it looked like I just came out of the shower. I hope that sweating it out is working. I don't want to be sick.
Enough of me. How about you?

I suppose in response to my recent criticisms of your last picture, you decided this one would be acceptable? Well let me tell you... I love you, your stinky feet and hairy legs. SO THERE!
Enough about you. How about Autumn?

She is still not sleeping well. I felt like a total jerk last night, but I got up and walked her to her room every time she tried to get in bed with me. There is a part of me that wants to let her sleep with me, especially when you are not here, but this is a life skill she must posses (whoa! Is that how you spell the word I am trying to say?) She got the point I was making after the second time she came to our room, but she cried herself to sleep and that makes me terribly sad. I mostly just want her to sleep well and be rested for school. I hope that whatever it is that is bothering her stops. I am really beginning to think that she just has some anxiety about school because I am having anxiety about school. Kids have a great way of picking up on that sort of thing.

This is her tattoo: a heart and a jewel.
I had leftovers AGAIN for dinner. Autumn had a PB&J. Millie had bread, ham and cheese, all separate of course!
For family time we:

Built train-ey tracks.
We love you and miss you bunches.

Your girls.
The Jordan's.
1. My Millie name is cool.
2. I am not going to marry Bob. Bob the lizard is going to marry me.
Something Millie has done:
Mom! Look at my cool tattoos.
And my black toe (thank you Autumn).
You think she really will marry bob the lizard? She sure does like him.... she tucks him in every night.
Take a picture of my cheese face for daddy.
I fixed my own hair.
Enough of Millie.... now it is my turn.
I think definitely have some sort of sickness going on. I am sweating profusely the last few days. I mean I usually do sweat when I work out, but my hair was so soaked with sweat, it looked like I just came out of the shower. I hope that sweating it out is working. I don't want to be sick.
Enough of me. How about you?
I suppose in response to my recent criticisms of your last picture, you decided this one would be acceptable? Well let me tell you... I love you, your stinky feet and hairy legs. SO THERE!
Enough about you. How about Autumn?
She is still not sleeping well. I felt like a total jerk last night, but I got up and walked her to her room every time she tried to get in bed with me. There is a part of me that wants to let her sleep with me, especially when you are not here, but this is a life skill she must posses (whoa! Is that how you spell the word I am trying to say?) She got the point I was making after the second time she came to our room, but she cried herself to sleep and that makes me terribly sad. I mostly just want her to sleep well and be rested for school. I hope that whatever it is that is bothering her stops. I am really beginning to think that she just has some anxiety about school because I am having anxiety about school. Kids have a great way of picking up on that sort of thing.
This is her tattoo: a heart and a jewel.
I had leftovers AGAIN for dinner. Autumn had a PB&J. Millie had bread, ham and cheese, all separate of course!
For family time we:
Built train-ey tracks.
We love you and miss you bunches.
Your girls.
The Jordan's.