Wake up call.
3 am.
Who enjoys a 3 am wake up call?
"Not I," said the tired mom.
Must work on this with Autumn. I suppose when it is a 4 am wake up call kind of day, what does 3 am really hurt anything?
Poor girl was having a bad dream about spiders. I know she has been having bad dreams, I have heard her crying and whimpering in her sleep for the last week or so. Maybe she is having anxiety about starting school? I am not sure.
4 am rolls on by and we load everyone up in the car to take Sean to the airport. He is headed to Iowa or Idaho or some state that starts with an I. Once we arrived at the airport, I get out of the car (which I do not always do) and said our see ya laters. Once Sean walked into the airport, Autumn waved to him. Millie did too, but she couldn't really see him because she was locked into that torture device...... the car seat.......
As we were driving away, Millie pitches this HUGE fit, so I did what any good mother would do, I took a circle. We drove around came back up to where we dropped Sean off. I tell Millie to wave to her dad, he is right there. That is what a good mother would do right? Millie starts screaming, I CANNOT SEE HIM! Alright, alright! I hear you. I get out of the car, unbuckle the torture device and grab a girl out (no shoes on). We walk up to the window and guess what..... I do not see Sean. Whoops! If I cannot see him, no way can one eye.
Breaks out cell phone.
Buzz. Buzz.
We are outside......
Sean comes walking up to us and Millie has been waving for like 5 minutes. As Sean gets closer, Millie throws her arms up for a hug and Sean... my incredibly perceptive, incredibly sensitive, the amazing father to two girls...................
Says, "Yeah Millie. High Five."
Uhm... What the hell jackass? She doesn't want to high five. She wants a HUG!!!!!!!!!!
After hug operations we get back on the road.
Everyone climbs into my bed.
At 6 am we all move to the couch. Cartoons. Breakfast operations commence.
At 7 am it is time to start moving around. We have stuff and things to do today.
Everyone gets dressed, brushed, etc. We load up the car, to include Grandma and head over to the elementary school.

I can't get no, dun nun nun. Cooperation. Dun nun nun.
We find Autumn's teacher, Mrs. Irvin. She is a very petite lady, but looks like she means business. She was pleasant, smiled, she tried to engage Autumn, but Autumn hid behind me. Mrs Irvin told me it was OK and that Autumn's behavior was perfectly normal. I sat down and spoke with her for a little bit. She needed a copy of Autumn's birth certificate and social security card (which I had on hand). She was very organized. She whipped out a file folder with Autumn's name already printed upon it. I'm impressed. She spoke clearly. She spoke with a slight accent. She spoke properly. These are all good signs. In our short conversation, she let me know, without outright telling me that she has been at the school for approximately 8 years. Without directly telling me, it is clear she likes order (this could be good or bad for Autumn). She said that her last parapro was with her for 8 years and this year she is going through somewhat of a "transition". So many things can be inferred from such a short sentence to clue me in on what sort of person she is.
After making sure our ducks were all lined up, I asked if we could go and look in the classroom. Registration was taking place in the cafeteria. She delightedly told me "yes, but the room is not quite ready yet."
The first thing I notice when we walk in the door is this

I like it.

The first thing Autumn zeroes in on is Pete the cat. From the books we have been reading.
Autumn explored her classroom quite a bit. I was surprised by how many things were in there. I guess I was expecting something more stark, but Mrs Irvin explained to me later that it helps the kids adjust to school by having all the bright things in there and all the different activities to do. Makes sense to me. It only looks like a slightly larger version of Miss Keri's classroom.

We discovered there was a bathroom IN the classroom. Probably sounds dumb to some people, but this made me feel better. The bathroom is close by should Autumn need to use it and there is not much concern about older kids coming into the bathroom and harming Autumn. In the picture with Pete the cat, that door is the door to the restroom.

Millie was very much enjoying Autumn's classroom and wanted to know why we weren't going to her class.

Autumn found her name on the wall.

This was in the classroom.

As well as a smart board.

Autumn was all smiles. I think she is worried about Miss Keri though. She says to me, "I still love and I still miss Miss Keri." What a sweet, sweet girl. Also, do you see the tennis balls? That is what she was so excited to tell you all about on the phone.
We walked all around the school. We checked out the playground. We went to the media center.

Checked out books.

"That cow is wearing a real shirt." A real creepy shirt, muttered her mother.

We ended where we began, the cafeteria. The cafeteria was much smaller than I thought it would be.
We went to Target to pick up the last few items on our supply list. We treated your mom to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, then we headed home. Your mom stayed until about 1 pm and then I put the children down.
I tired to take a nap, but I just couldn't do it. I wish I could fix that about myself.
I went to check on Autumn and sure enough, she fell asleep.
Can you believe in less than a week our first born, our little girl is starting kindergarten? How did that happen so fast? Today was a wake up call. Hey you, your daughter is growing up. Take notice.

Four years later bout four thirty *(edit- 3am)
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clingin' to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This will only last a week or two
It won't be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won't even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won't be like this for long
The Jordan's.
Who enjoys a 3 am wake up call?
"Not I," said the tired mom.
Must work on this with Autumn. I suppose when it is a 4 am wake up call kind of day, what does 3 am really hurt anything?
Poor girl was having a bad dream about spiders. I know she has been having bad dreams, I have heard her crying and whimpering in her sleep for the last week or so. Maybe she is having anxiety about starting school? I am not sure.
4 am rolls on by and we load everyone up in the car to take Sean to the airport. He is headed to Iowa or Idaho or some state that starts with an I. Once we arrived at the airport, I get out of the car (which I do not always do) and said our see ya laters. Once Sean walked into the airport, Autumn waved to him. Millie did too, but she couldn't really see him because she was locked into that torture device...... the car seat.......
As we were driving away, Millie pitches this HUGE fit, so I did what any good mother would do, I took a circle. We drove around came back up to where we dropped Sean off. I tell Millie to wave to her dad, he is right there. That is what a good mother would do right? Millie starts screaming, I CANNOT SEE HIM! Alright, alright! I hear you. I get out of the car, unbuckle the torture device and grab a girl out (no shoes on). We walk up to the window and guess what..... I do not see Sean. Whoops! If I cannot see him, no way can one eye.
Breaks out cell phone.
Buzz. Buzz.
We are outside......
Sean comes walking up to us and Millie has been waving for like 5 minutes. As Sean gets closer, Millie throws her arms up for a hug and Sean... my incredibly perceptive, incredibly sensitive, the amazing father to two girls...................
Says, "Yeah Millie. High Five."
Uhm... What the hell jackass? She doesn't want to high five. She wants a HUG!!!!!!!!!!
After hug operations we get back on the road.
Everyone climbs into my bed.
At 6 am we all move to the couch. Cartoons. Breakfast operations commence.
At 7 am it is time to start moving around. We have stuff and things to do today.
Everyone gets dressed, brushed, etc. We load up the car, to include Grandma and head over to the elementary school.
I can't get no, dun nun nun. Cooperation. Dun nun nun.
We find Autumn's teacher, Mrs. Irvin. She is a very petite lady, but looks like she means business. She was pleasant, smiled, she tried to engage Autumn, but Autumn hid behind me. Mrs Irvin told me it was OK and that Autumn's behavior was perfectly normal. I sat down and spoke with her for a little bit. She needed a copy of Autumn's birth certificate and social security card (which I had on hand). She was very organized. She whipped out a file folder with Autumn's name already printed upon it. I'm impressed. She spoke clearly. She spoke with a slight accent. She spoke properly. These are all good signs. In our short conversation, she let me know, without outright telling me that she has been at the school for approximately 8 years. Without directly telling me, it is clear she likes order (this could be good or bad for Autumn). She said that her last parapro was with her for 8 years and this year she is going through somewhat of a "transition". So many things can be inferred from such a short sentence to clue me in on what sort of person she is.
After making sure our ducks were all lined up, I asked if we could go and look in the classroom. Registration was taking place in the cafeteria. She delightedly told me "yes, but the room is not quite ready yet."
The first thing I notice when we walk in the door is this
I like it.
The first thing Autumn zeroes in on is Pete the cat. From the books we have been reading.
Autumn explored her classroom quite a bit. I was surprised by how many things were in there. I guess I was expecting something more stark, but Mrs Irvin explained to me later that it helps the kids adjust to school by having all the bright things in there and all the different activities to do. Makes sense to me. It only looks like a slightly larger version of Miss Keri's classroom.
We discovered there was a bathroom IN the classroom. Probably sounds dumb to some people, but this made me feel better. The bathroom is close by should Autumn need to use it and there is not much concern about older kids coming into the bathroom and harming Autumn. In the picture with Pete the cat, that door is the door to the restroom.
Millie was very much enjoying Autumn's classroom and wanted to know why we weren't going to her class.
Autumn found her name on the wall.
This was in the classroom.
As well as a smart board.
Autumn was all smiles. I think she is worried about Miss Keri though. She says to me, "I still love and I still miss Miss Keri." What a sweet, sweet girl. Also, do you see the tennis balls? That is what she was so excited to tell you all about on the phone.
We walked all around the school. We checked out the playground. We went to the media center.
Checked out books.
"That cow is wearing a real shirt." A real creepy shirt, muttered her mother.
We ended where we began, the cafeteria. The cafeteria was much smaller than I thought it would be.
We went to Target to pick up the last few items on our supply list. We treated your mom to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, then we headed home. Your mom stayed until about 1 pm and then I put the children down.
I tired to take a nap, but I just couldn't do it. I wish I could fix that about myself.
I went to check on Autumn and sure enough, she fell asleep.
Can you believe in less than a week our first born, our little girl is starting kindergarten? How did that happen so fast? Today was a wake up call. Hey you, your daughter is growing up. Take notice.
Four years later bout four thirty *(edit- 3am)
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clingin' to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This will only last a week or two
It won't be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won't even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won't be like this for long
The Jordan's.
Pete the Cat is a favorite here too!