4 months old
Emelia had her four month check up today and as I suspected, she is a chunky monkey. She weighed in at 16 pounds 9 ounces and was 26.5 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. The doctor said to me, "Well mom, she is big and tall." Don't I know it. Lugging her around is getting to be quite the work out!

While we were in the Pediatrician's office, they informed me that they had the flu vaccines available, so Autumn and I got vaccinated. After words, I took Autumn to McDonald's to play.

Got to love that crazy hair!
The Jordan's.
While we were in the Pediatrician's office, they informed me that they had the flu vaccines available, so Autumn and I got vaccinated. After words, I took Autumn to McDonald's to play.
Got to love that crazy hair!
The Jordan's.