Heading home.
Today is a busy day. We have a play date with Boyd, from Autumn's class. I couldn't pass that up because Autumn has talked all year long about going to Boyd's house. I will probably work on packing when we get home from that.
I am glad I am going home to see my mom. I think it will help us both feel better just to be near each other. Every since I was a little girl, my mom and I have gone through the worst things together. I know people say that it isn't healthy to have a "friendship" type relationship with your children while they are children, but I suppose that is something that happens when you are a child yourself having a baby. My mom was 17 when she had me. Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my mom and I have been a comfort to one another.
My dad has an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. My mom wants me to go with, but I think my sisters all want to go too. We shall see what shakes out from that. Hopefully we get the procedure scheduled shortly after.
In Millie news. I did hear back from our pediatrician. We have an appointment with a new doctor, but the soonest I could get was the end of June. I spoke with someone from the National Eye Institute (thank you Joy) and he reassured me that the advice the current specialist gave me about patching Millie is what he would recommend and follow with his own child. He gave me some names of colleagues in Atlanta and when I go in for Millie's three year check in a few weeks, I will be asking about going to see one of them.
Millie has been pitching a fit about her eye patch. She never really did that before, but it is painful for her to use her left eye now. I guess because her brain has been "not using that eye," forcing it to work now is painful for her. I had to sit on her yesterday and wrestle with her to get the patch on. She tells me that I am a "bad gurr" and that she wants me to go away forever. That "it isn't fair" and I've "ruined her birthday for forever."
We went to a birthday party on Saturday for a boy in Autumn's class and I found myself crying because Millie was feeling around her plate of food just like a blind person would do in order to find her cake. It broke my heart. We have to make her do visual activities while she is wearing her eye patch though (coloring, puzzles, going to museums, etc.), so we patched her eye for the birthday party so that she could get some practice looking into the aquariums trying to find the different reptiles. We did take her patch off before the party was over and took her back to the exhibits to give her another look at everything. I just cannot believe that in such a short amount of time she went from seeing so well in that eye to not being able to make out what was what on her plate directly in front of her.
Time for some pictures.

Not making Millie wear her glasses. If she asks for them, I let her wear them, but I'm not forcing her to wear them right now. I love that she is wearing my scrunchie around her arm like that!

I call this dressing with Sean logic. There is green in the top and green in the skirt, so it MUST match!
We had our termite inspection recently and the inspector pointed out that we had some mold growing on the front of the house. I didn't know if that would attract termites our something, but Sean said no, it was just cosmetic and had he not point it out, I don't know that I would have noticed. Now that it has been pointed out, I couldn't just leave it there! HA

Do you see that streak of black going vertically up the wall? I mixed some bleach and water, poured it, scrubbed with a brush and then sprayed with a hose.

Voila! Bye bye mold!
This past weekend we went down to the river walk rather than to church. It just did not feel like we had any good family time over the weekend and church takes up so much time of the day on Sunday. So we skipped it.

The girls really love it down there.

Autumn loves jumping. Millie cracks me up with that look on her face though. Sometimes we can get her to jump too, but not this day.
During our walk we came across this guy:

We moved him from the trail so he wouldn't get run over by a bicycler. He sort of glued himself to the ground though, he didn't want to get picked up. The girls were so tickled with that. I keep trying to get the girls to touch the creepy crawlies so that they get over their God given fear and "natural inclination" to be afraid of them.

Autumn is such a sweet girl.

A recent conversation with Millie.
Millie: I'm a bad girl mommy.
Me: I know Millie.
Millie: I don't want to be a bad girl mommy.
Me: I know Millie.
Millie: BUT, I am a bad girl.
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't really know who that guy is supposed to be, but he is kind of on the creepy.

I wanted to take some really ridiculous picture, but I couldn't figure out where to set my phone to take the picture!

We met back up with Sean and went to do some more jumping.

Autumn carried around her Dylan bear.

We were actually going for a family picture, but Millie was all over the place!
We are in full summer mode over here. We got our pool set up and filled and played in it yesterday. I'm going to go and buy one of those big umbrellas from Sam's club when I get back from my mom's house.

I imagine this is where we will spend much of the summer.
Millie received her first birthday card in the mail yesterday.

Funny how something so simple can bring so much joy to a child. She loved getting mail!

Millie has always loved receiving money!
Millie's birthday party is shaping up quite nicely. My mom told me we are expecting about 50 people. That makes me feel so good because I was feeling so down about no one coming or showing up here. I think it is going to be a lot of fun and it is mostly family attending (or like family).
This is going to do it for me today.
Thank you friends for reading.
Cherish HOPE.
I am glad I am going home to see my mom. I think it will help us both feel better just to be near each other. Every since I was a little girl, my mom and I have gone through the worst things together. I know people say that it isn't healthy to have a "friendship" type relationship with your children while they are children, but I suppose that is something that happens when you are a child yourself having a baby. My mom was 17 when she had me. Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my mom and I have been a comfort to one another.
My dad has an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. My mom wants me to go with, but I think my sisters all want to go too. We shall see what shakes out from that. Hopefully we get the procedure scheduled shortly after.
In Millie news. I did hear back from our pediatrician. We have an appointment with a new doctor, but the soonest I could get was the end of June. I spoke with someone from the National Eye Institute (thank you Joy) and he reassured me that the advice the current specialist gave me about patching Millie is what he would recommend and follow with his own child. He gave me some names of colleagues in Atlanta and when I go in for Millie's three year check in a few weeks, I will be asking about going to see one of them.
Millie has been pitching a fit about her eye patch. She never really did that before, but it is painful for her to use her left eye now. I guess because her brain has been "not using that eye," forcing it to work now is painful for her. I had to sit on her yesterday and wrestle with her to get the patch on. She tells me that I am a "bad gurr" and that she wants me to go away forever. That "it isn't fair" and I've "ruined her birthday for forever."
We went to a birthday party on Saturday for a boy in Autumn's class and I found myself crying because Millie was feeling around her plate of food just like a blind person would do in order to find her cake. It broke my heart. We have to make her do visual activities while she is wearing her eye patch though (coloring, puzzles, going to museums, etc.), so we patched her eye for the birthday party so that she could get some practice looking into the aquariums trying to find the different reptiles. We did take her patch off before the party was over and took her back to the exhibits to give her another look at everything. I just cannot believe that in such a short amount of time she went from seeing so well in that eye to not being able to make out what was what on her plate directly in front of her.
Time for some pictures.
Not making Millie wear her glasses. If she asks for them, I let her wear them, but I'm not forcing her to wear them right now. I love that she is wearing my scrunchie around her arm like that!
I call this dressing with Sean logic. There is green in the top and green in the skirt, so it MUST match!
We had our termite inspection recently and the inspector pointed out that we had some mold growing on the front of the house. I didn't know if that would attract termites our something, but Sean said no, it was just cosmetic and had he not point it out, I don't know that I would have noticed. Now that it has been pointed out, I couldn't just leave it there! HA
Do you see that streak of black going vertically up the wall? I mixed some bleach and water, poured it, scrubbed with a brush and then sprayed with a hose.
Voila! Bye bye mold!
This past weekend we went down to the river walk rather than to church. It just did not feel like we had any good family time over the weekend and church takes up so much time of the day on Sunday. So we skipped it.
The girls really love it down there.
Autumn loves jumping. Millie cracks me up with that look on her face though. Sometimes we can get her to jump too, but not this day.
During our walk we came across this guy:
We moved him from the trail so he wouldn't get run over by a bicycler. He sort of glued himself to the ground though, he didn't want to get picked up. The girls were so tickled with that. I keep trying to get the girls to touch the creepy crawlies so that they get over their God given fear and "natural inclination" to be afraid of them.
Autumn is such a sweet girl.
A recent conversation with Millie.
Millie: I'm a bad girl mommy.
Me: I know Millie.
Millie: I don't want to be a bad girl mommy.
Me: I know Millie.
Millie: BUT, I am a bad girl.
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really know who that guy is supposed to be, but he is kind of on the creepy.
I wanted to take some really ridiculous picture, but I couldn't figure out where to set my phone to take the picture!
We met back up with Sean and went to do some more jumping.
Autumn carried around her Dylan bear.
We were actually going for a family picture, but Millie was all over the place!
We are in full summer mode over here. We got our pool set up and filled and played in it yesterday. I'm going to go and buy one of those big umbrellas from Sam's club when I get back from my mom's house.
I imagine this is where we will spend much of the summer.
Millie received her first birthday card in the mail yesterday.
Funny how something so simple can bring so much joy to a child. She loved getting mail!
Millie has always loved receiving money!
Millie's birthday party is shaping up quite nicely. My mom told me we are expecting about 50 people. That makes me feel so good because I was feeling so down about no one coming or showing up here. I think it is going to be a lot of fun and it is mostly family attending (or like family).
This is going to do it for me today.
Thank you friends for reading.
Cherish HOPE.