Spring Break 2014
Great day to travel to Mississippi? That is what Sean is doing. I'm going to recap our Spring Break over the next week while he is away. The girls and I left on a Saturday to my mom's house. It isn't a bad drive. Just over 6 hours with multiple stops.

Lots of pecan trees to see.

Cool, old barns.
We got to my mom's house around 1030 pm. I unloaded the car and we all went to bed.
The next day, we went to the playground at my mom's apartment complex.

I just have to say that Millie is so scary on the playground. I find myself constantly looking away so that I don't helicopter her too much.

On the other hand, Autumn is probably not much better, but she will at least let me know if someone is going to do something crazy. I guess to better define that, she will know if something IS crazy.

It was windy that day. Not cold necessarily, but windy. Pollen was blowing in my face, the girls faces. It was kind of rough.

Flower weeds...

I always go down this street when I go home. At the end of this street is the Oaks Country club. You ready for my band geek to come out??? The Oaks Country club is where most of the formal band gatherings happened. I have mostly fond memories of that place. It is a beautiful building (it caught on fire, but they are repairing it).

After some driving around, we went back to mom's and played a game called Tip it. I have to tell you, this game really forced Millie to use her eye balls. I think we should probably get this game. It was especially hard for her since she does not have any depth perception. My mom "cheated" for her by holding on to one side (Millie was none the wiser).

I think you can see my mom holding one side of the game in this picture. I have never seen Millie concentrate (visually) so hard on something before. She even enjoyed playing this game.

I made a Gary Bider.
Fast forward back to today!
I woke Autumn up for school at 653 am. She did not want to wake up. She cried! She said, "I'm so tired!!" Poor girl. By the time we were on our way to school, she was settled into it. She seemed happy when I dropped her off.

This was Autumn's homework.

I think she did an excellent job. I thought for sure she would write about going to "Zavanna," but I think she is saving that for journaling later this week.

It rained so much today. It doesn't look bad here, but man it just rained so much. I saw someone post about Flat Rock Park and decided I had to go and check it out.


The bridge we always take the girls picture at.

The swing we always stop at has water under it!!

Those are some serious rapids.

So this is the cool side of having so much rain!

The exact same spot!!!
Well, I have my housework done. I have just a few things left to take care of today. Reading with the girls. Push ups. Stuff like that. We will all go to bed on time tonight. I love you.
Autumn wanted a picture of this:

Silly Millie. She hasn't even changed out of her pj's today. I know she will be the one crying tomorrow.
Every time I think I'm done today, I end up needing to share ONE MORE THING with you......
While I was in the computer room writing my blog, I hear the girls out in the living room doing something. I go to check on it because they sound really excited about it and I find.............

Zip lining... in the house..........

They are your children.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

Lots of pecan trees to see.

Cool, old barns.
We got to my mom's house around 1030 pm. I unloaded the car and we all went to bed.
The next day, we went to the playground at my mom's apartment complex.

I just have to say that Millie is so scary on the playground. I find myself constantly looking away so that I don't helicopter her too much.

On the other hand, Autumn is probably not much better, but she will at least let me know if someone is going to do something crazy. I guess to better define that, she will know if something IS crazy.

It was windy that day. Not cold necessarily, but windy. Pollen was blowing in my face, the girls faces. It was kind of rough.

Flower weeds...

I always go down this street when I go home. At the end of this street is the Oaks Country club. You ready for my band geek to come out??? The Oaks Country club is where most of the formal band gatherings happened. I have mostly fond memories of that place. It is a beautiful building (it caught on fire, but they are repairing it).

After some driving around, we went back to mom's and played a game called Tip it. I have to tell you, this game really forced Millie to use her eye balls. I think we should probably get this game. It was especially hard for her since she does not have any depth perception. My mom "cheated" for her by holding on to one side (Millie was none the wiser).

I think you can see my mom holding one side of the game in this picture. I have never seen Millie concentrate (visually) so hard on something before. She even enjoyed playing this game.

I made a Gary Bider.
Fast forward back to today!
I woke Autumn up for school at 653 am. She did not want to wake up. She cried! She said, "I'm so tired!!" Poor girl. By the time we were on our way to school, she was settled into it. She seemed happy when I dropped her off.

This was Autumn's homework.

I think she did an excellent job. I thought for sure she would write about going to "Zavanna," but I think she is saving that for journaling later this week.

It rained so much today. It doesn't look bad here, but man it just rained so much. I saw someone post about Flat Rock Park and decided I had to go and check it out.


The bridge we always take the girls picture at.

The swing we always stop at has water under it!!

Those are some serious rapids.

So this is the cool side of having so much rain!
The exact same spot!!!
Well, I have my housework done. I have just a few things left to take care of today. Reading with the girls. Push ups. Stuff like that. We will all go to bed on time tonight. I love you.
Autumn wanted a picture of this:

Silly Millie. She hasn't even changed out of her pj's today. I know she will be the one crying tomorrow.
Every time I think I'm done today, I end up needing to share ONE MORE THING with you......
While I was in the computer room writing my blog, I hear the girls out in the living room doing something. I go to check on it because they sound really excited about it and I find.............

Zip lining... in the house..........

They are your children.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo