Spring Break moves to Savannah.
On Wednesday of Spring Break, we pack up from my mom's and drive to meet Sean in Savannah. The girls and I had a few stops to make first though.

Candy Kitchen.

Pretty please.

Lunch to go.
After eating lunch, we headed out to the campground. It was so beautiful out at Skidaway State park.

Millie wanted to be a helper.

Isn't she sweet?
On the other hand, Autumn and I:

Watched (and played).

The bearded ladies.

Sean is practicing for retirement.

Doesn't everyone bring this much stuff camping?

The campground playground.
There is a story here. After we got our camp stuff together, we made a trip to Walmart for a pot (you know, like what you cook in...). When we arrived back to our campsite, Autumn said that she wanted to go to the playground. Millie was playing on my tablet. I asked Millie several times if she wanted to go to the park, but she never answered me. Autumn, Sean and I all exited the car at the same time. I took Autumn to the park and I thought Sean was going to tinker with the fire pit. Ten minutes go by (more or less??) and I see Sean walking up to the playground which was quite some distance from our campsite. I couldn't see Millie.
I thought to myself, that Millie is so short, but then a small little panic set in. I COULDN'T SEE MILLIE. I shouted to Sean, "Where is Millie?" He says, "Are you serious?" YES!!!!!!! He runs back to our campsite and finds Millie with our camp neighbors, crying that we had left her.
The rest of the week, Millie continually reminded me that I had left her. Awwww. Thank goodness the camp neighbors intercepted her. Anyway, Sean brought the girl to the park and she seemed fine.

Back at camp, Autumn was doing marshmallow weight lifting.

I think eating camp fire roasted marshmallows might be my favorite thing!

Evening time rolls around and we send the girls into the tent. Sean and I sat out by the fire. I heard a strange noise coming from Millie and told Sean I thought she was choking. We heard another noise and go running over there. I opened one side of the tent while Sean opens the other. Millie opens her mouth and I cannot make sense of what I'm seeing. It looks like she has a cotton ball in her mouth. Sean is telling her to spit it out. Finally, she just throws up. She had a piece of salt water taffy in her mouth that she must have hidden in the tent. She tried to eat it while laying down. She got choked on it and then it caused her to puke. I had to take Millie down to the showers and get her all cleaned up. She was so upset that there was throw up in her hair. The pillows, the tent, the thermarest, her pjs were all slimed with puke. We cleaned up what we could.
I told Sean that if this was the beginning of a stomach bug, I was out. We would be getting a hotel room if there was any more throwing up. We kept Millie on the end of the tent she puked on and the rest of us moved to the other side. I'm grateful to say that there was not anymore puke!
Fast forward to today. Wednesday, April 9th.
Typical morning around here. Got everyone off to school. Got most of my working out done before I took Millie to school.

I ran.
Went to Walmart for an item or two. Rented and watched Saving Mr Banks (I liked it a lot. It made me cry.).
Picked Millie up, picked Autumn up and packed for ballet.

Now we have eaten dinner and the girls are watching Muppets.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I went ahead and did tomorrows workout too.
I'm excited to see Uncle Ed and the rest of the family tomorrow down on Fort Benning. Hopefully I don't get lost.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

Candy Kitchen.
Pretty please.
Lunch to go.
After eating lunch, we headed out to the campground. It was so beautiful out at Skidaway State park.

Millie wanted to be a helper.
Isn't she sweet?
On the other hand, Autumn and I:
Watched (and played).
The bearded ladies.

Sean is practicing for retirement.

Doesn't everyone bring this much stuff camping?
The campground playground.
There is a story here. After we got our camp stuff together, we made a trip to Walmart for a pot (you know, like what you cook in...). When we arrived back to our campsite, Autumn said that she wanted to go to the playground. Millie was playing on my tablet. I asked Millie several times if she wanted to go to the park, but she never answered me. Autumn, Sean and I all exited the car at the same time. I took Autumn to the park and I thought Sean was going to tinker with the fire pit. Ten minutes go by (more or less??) and I see Sean walking up to the playground which was quite some distance from our campsite. I couldn't see Millie.
I thought to myself, that Millie is so short, but then a small little panic set in. I COULDN'T SEE MILLIE. I shouted to Sean, "Where is Millie?" He says, "Are you serious?" YES!!!!!!! He runs back to our campsite and finds Millie with our camp neighbors, crying that we had left her.
The rest of the week, Millie continually reminded me that I had left her. Awwww. Thank goodness the camp neighbors intercepted her. Anyway, Sean brought the girl to the park and she seemed fine.
Back at camp, Autumn was doing marshmallow weight lifting.
I think eating camp fire roasted marshmallows might be my favorite thing!

Evening time rolls around and we send the girls into the tent. Sean and I sat out by the fire. I heard a strange noise coming from Millie and told Sean I thought she was choking. We heard another noise and go running over there. I opened one side of the tent while Sean opens the other. Millie opens her mouth and I cannot make sense of what I'm seeing. It looks like she has a cotton ball in her mouth. Sean is telling her to spit it out. Finally, she just throws up. She had a piece of salt water taffy in her mouth that she must have hidden in the tent. She tried to eat it while laying down. She got choked on it and then it caused her to puke. I had to take Millie down to the showers and get her all cleaned up. She was so upset that there was throw up in her hair. The pillows, the tent, the thermarest, her pjs were all slimed with puke. We cleaned up what we could.
I told Sean that if this was the beginning of a stomach bug, I was out. We would be getting a hotel room if there was any more throwing up. We kept Millie on the end of the tent she puked on and the rest of us moved to the other side. I'm grateful to say that there was not anymore puke!
Fast forward to today. Wednesday, April 9th.
Typical morning around here. Got everyone off to school. Got most of my working out done before I took Millie to school.

I ran.
Went to Walmart for an item or two. Rented and watched Saving Mr Banks (I liked it a lot. It made me cry.).
Picked Millie up, picked Autumn up and packed for ballet.

Now we have eaten dinner and the girls are watching Muppets.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I went ahead and did tomorrows workout too.
I'm excited to see Uncle Ed and the rest of the family tomorrow down on Fort Benning. Hopefully I don't get lost.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo