Still in South Carolina. Spring Break continues.
I think every time I've visited home, I take the girls (kids) to Wannamaker park. It is a cool park and I wish that it had been around when I was a kid! We didn't hit the splash pad even though it would have been warm enough to. I was just feeling too lazy I guess.

The kids were having a grand time on the tire swing until Autumn saw:

He was amazing how high up he was jumping off the swing. All it took was a little encouragement from him and from me and Autumn decided she just had to try it herself.

I thought she did great! I was very proud.
Meanwhile, I caught Jordie throwing rocks at a squirrel. I don't particularly have an affinity for Carls (or squirrels), but it made me angry that she would try to hurt an innocent creature. So I did what any other mom would do and dropped her. Told her to give me ten.

Can you tell she wasn't sure if I was serious???

We had lots of fun at the park and then headed back to my mom's to bathe and get ready for bed.
That night, Millie started having a really hard time breathing. I listened to her chest and could tell she was wheezing. Her heart rate was crazy fast. My mom has a pulseox meter for my dad and her O2 levels were good (thanks to the inhaler), but she was shaking and just having a hard time. I know that Albuterol can cause shakiness, but it had been hours since I gave her the inhaler, so I decided that I should get it checked out since I knew we still had a camping trip to get to.
We went to an urgent care clinic. They listened to Millie and sent us over MUSC Children's Emergency Room.

Drawing a picture while waiting to be seen.
It was a few hours later before we were released and told to keep an eye on the wheezing and administer more breathing treatments if necessary.
Poor Millie was wiped out!

She stayed awake from 11 pm until 3 am. She crashed on my mom's sofa for a good 4 to 5 hours.
I did have to continue her on the inhaler, but I could tell once she woke up from that 4 to 5 hour nap she was doing much better. I guess she just had a virus that caused bronchial inflammation.
Since I like to say every time a lot, here I go again. It seems someone, or all of us get sick every time we visit Charleston. At least this was as simple as a virus and didn't involve puking!
Fast forward to today. Tuesday, April 8th.

One of the girls favorite books to "read" is the M&M counting book. I guess I get it. You get to eat M&M's at the end of it. This was one of last nights bed time stories.
This morning, as we were on our way out the door. I had to put the garbage out. As I'm walking back up to the house, I hear a cat crying. I'm looking all around when I realize that

Ariel is on the freaking roof!!!!!! I think she must have jumped up there from the fence, but I'm not sure. She looked like she was seriously considering jumping down and I just did not want her to splat the cat right in front of the girls. I grabbed the ladder and climbed up, but right when I got to the top, a car went by and Ariel started running up the roof. I already decided I was NOT getting on the roof. I pulled the ladder in and started to leave, but she started crying again.

I pulled the ladder back out, climbed back up and called to her. She ran right to me. I had to grab her by the scruff of her neck (which I hate doing). She scratched me all up and I dropped her, but she only fell a few feet.
Autumn told everyone at school about our dumb cat being on the roof!
After getting Millie to school, I ran.

First run in over a week and it felt good. I kept it nice and steady and just enjoyed my quiet time. I went to Bible study, picked up Millie, came home and then did my P90X workout.
We left to get Autumn and when she was brought to the car, she was wearing the backup clothes in her book bag. I asked her what happened and apparently she had an accident on the playground. That sort of things makes me very angry, but I took a deep breath and asked her what happened. She said, "I don't want to talk about it." I told her that was not an option and that she was going to tell me what happened.
She said that her body told her that she really needed to go, but that the teachers get mad at you if you need to go on the playground. That you are supposed to go before going to the playground. I told her that I needed her to do better, but that was that. We did not need to discuss it any further. She acknowledged that she should have gone when she was supposed to, and that she would do better. The end.
We came home so I could shower up. We did homework and read our books. We headed out first to B&N to pick up Riley Craine's birthday present. Then to Sam's for English muffins. Walmart for Jelly beans for Autumn's class. Then the mall to meet up with Jen/Brett and their kids. It took Jen much longer to get there than she thought. Alex had a Doctors appointment that ran really long.
While in the mall, I found a Sebastian necklace that Millie has been asking for (what the what!). I quickly bought it and stuffed it in my purse. I also got my eye brows threaded. An Indian lady runs the place and I asked her if it hurt. She asked me if I ever had it done before and when I said no, she said, "Yes. It hurts." HA HA HA I did it anyway and it did sting. One of my eyes even watered a little, but it doesn't hurt now (unlike with waxing).

We went to the food court and when my stomach couldn't take it any more, we ordered dinner and waited. 1.5 hours later, everyone else shows up. I have such a headache from being at the mall! UGH!!!
We are home now. Everyone is in bed, minus me. I'm writing you!
So I close with Millie's school pictures.

I think she looks so very sweet in these pictures.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The kids were having a grand time on the tire swing until Autumn saw:
He was amazing how high up he was jumping off the swing. All it took was a little encouragement from him and from me and Autumn decided she just had to try it herself.
I thought she did great! I was very proud.
Meanwhile, I caught Jordie throwing rocks at a squirrel. I don't particularly have an affinity for Carls (or squirrels), but it made me angry that she would try to hurt an innocent creature. So I did what any other mom would do and dropped her. Told her to give me ten.
Can you tell she wasn't sure if I was serious???

We had lots of fun at the park and then headed back to my mom's to bathe and get ready for bed.
That night, Millie started having a really hard time breathing. I listened to her chest and could tell she was wheezing. Her heart rate was crazy fast. My mom has a pulseox meter for my dad and her O2 levels were good (thanks to the inhaler), but she was shaking and just having a hard time. I know that Albuterol can cause shakiness, but it had been hours since I gave her the inhaler, so I decided that I should get it checked out since I knew we still had a camping trip to get to.
We went to an urgent care clinic. They listened to Millie and sent us over MUSC Children's Emergency Room.

Drawing a picture while waiting to be seen.
It was a few hours later before we were released and told to keep an eye on the wheezing and administer more breathing treatments if necessary.
Poor Millie was wiped out!

She stayed awake from 11 pm until 3 am. She crashed on my mom's sofa for a good 4 to 5 hours.
I did have to continue her on the inhaler, but I could tell once she woke up from that 4 to 5 hour nap she was doing much better. I guess she just had a virus that caused bronchial inflammation.
Since I like to say every time a lot, here I go again. It seems someone, or all of us get sick every time we visit Charleston. At least this was as simple as a virus and didn't involve puking!
Fast forward to today. Tuesday, April 8th.

One of the girls favorite books to "read" is the M&M counting book. I guess I get it. You get to eat M&M's at the end of it. This was one of last nights bed time stories.
This morning, as we were on our way out the door. I had to put the garbage out. As I'm walking back up to the house, I hear a cat crying. I'm looking all around when I realize that

Ariel is on the freaking roof!!!!!! I think she must have jumped up there from the fence, but I'm not sure. She looked like she was seriously considering jumping down and I just did not want her to splat the cat right in front of the girls. I grabbed the ladder and climbed up, but right when I got to the top, a car went by and Ariel started running up the roof. I already decided I was NOT getting on the roof. I pulled the ladder in and started to leave, but she started crying again.

I pulled the ladder back out, climbed back up and called to her. She ran right to me. I had to grab her by the scruff of her neck (which I hate doing). She scratched me all up and I dropped her, but she only fell a few feet.
Autumn told everyone at school about our dumb cat being on the roof!
After getting Millie to school, I ran.

First run in over a week and it felt good. I kept it nice and steady and just enjoyed my quiet time. I went to Bible study, picked up Millie, came home and then did my P90X workout.
We left to get Autumn and when she was brought to the car, she was wearing the backup clothes in her book bag. I asked her what happened and apparently she had an accident on the playground. That sort of things makes me very angry, but I took a deep breath and asked her what happened. She said, "I don't want to talk about it." I told her that was not an option and that she was going to tell me what happened.
She said that her body told her that she really needed to go, but that the teachers get mad at you if you need to go on the playground. That you are supposed to go before going to the playground. I told her that I needed her to do better, but that was that. We did not need to discuss it any further. She acknowledged that she should have gone when she was supposed to, and that she would do better. The end.
We came home so I could shower up. We did homework and read our books. We headed out first to B&N to pick up Riley Craine's birthday present. Then to Sam's for English muffins. Walmart for Jelly beans for Autumn's class. Then the mall to meet up with Jen/Brett and their kids. It took Jen much longer to get there than she thought. Alex had a Doctors appointment that ran really long.
While in the mall, I found a Sebastian necklace that Millie has been asking for (what the what!). I quickly bought it and stuffed it in my purse. I also got my eye brows threaded. An Indian lady runs the place and I asked her if it hurt. She asked me if I ever had it done before and when I said no, she said, "Yes. It hurts." HA HA HA I did it anyway and it did sting. One of my eyes even watered a little, but it doesn't hurt now (unlike with waxing).

We went to the food court and when my stomach couldn't take it any more, we ordered dinner and waited. 1.5 hours later, everyone else shows up. I have such a headache from being at the mall! UGH!!!
We are home now. Everyone is in bed, minus me. I'm writing you!
So I close with Millie's school pictures.

I think she looks so very sweet in these pictures.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo