Gold Mint Hut

Thursday I found out my collar bone was still infected, Friday they tell me they need to admit me. Thankfully, the wonderful nurses at the Multi-Service Unit (MSU- affiliated with internal medicine), remembered me and said that if the doctor would just put in orders for the antibiotics, they could treat me in the infusion clinic out-patient. That's what they did. I should find out this upcoming week just how many rounds of infusions I will need. There is not any benefit to guessing at this point. I felt socked in the gut at this news, but after a day or two of adjusting to the idea of it, I knew I needed some nature therapy and that is what Sean and I have been doing. I've been eyeballing Gold Mint Hut for sometime, but knew it would be a long, hard one. To my surprise, Sean agreed to do it. Saturday morning, I woke up and carbo loaded some Oreo cookies (the breakfast of champions). Sean had to carry all my things: water, food, and rain jacket. My surgeon implici...