Angel Hair.
For dinner this evening, we enjoyed Pork Tenderloin with a Plum sauce over Somen noodles. Not sure if ya'll noticed, but Pork Tenderloin is one of our favorite meats to eat around here. It is so versatile, easy, delicious and not very expensive. I digress. Autumn seemed to enjoy the meal quite a bit. She loves noodles and she ate the pork right up. I had given her some black beans while we were waiting for her noodles to cool down, so I sit down to this:

A few minutes later, I look up to this:

Poor Autumn. One day, she will have hair. For now, we shall call it, "Angel Hair."
A few minutes later, I look up to this:
Poor Autumn. One day, she will have hair. For now, we shall call it, "Angel Hair."