We went to an exhibit in Anchorage today called Freeze. We did exactly that! It was minus 3 degrees and that is the warmest temperature we have seen in weeks. We had a really good time, but decided to call it quits when Autumn's snot started to freeze to her face. Here are the photos:

Cherish and Autumn

Sean and Autumn

Opps!! Forgot the flash. Sean was holding a snowball with a red light. I think it is Autumn's heart!!

Autumn in the field of lights.

Sean and Autumn at the fire. We had to walk through a snow maze to get to the fire at the center. LOTS of Fun!!
Cherish and Autumn
Sean and Autumn
Opps!! Forgot the flash. Sean was holding a snowball with a red light. I think it is Autumn's heart!!
Autumn in the field of lights.
Sean and Autumn at the fire. We had to walk through a snow maze to get to the fire at the center. LOTS of Fun!!