Getting over the flu.
We have been pretty much held hostage in our home by the evil flu!! We have been slowly making our way out into the public arena, but I don't want to spread the flu around and I certainly do not want Autumn to contract any other diseases!!!! Anyway, Autumn is doing much better. No more fever, her eating has finally picked back up, and besides a slight cough and a snotty nose, she is almost back to 100 percent savagery.
Speaking of savagery, what is it about the father-child relationship that fosters so much...... I don't know what the word is. Rough housing would be close, but not quite. Autumn abuses Sean in ways she would never think of abusing me. For example:

Autumn likes to play this little game.... While climbing up onto that coffee table, she suddenly remembered that she forgot something.

She climbed back down, covered Sean's face with her blanket, that way when she climbed back up on the coffee table, he would have no idea what he was in for.

JUMP!!!!!! WOW. She missed his face by like an inch, but no worries, she made sure to whack him a couple times upside the head since she didn't make full facial contact with her PLF (for you lay people, parachute landing fall).
As if the savagery ends there.... We headed out to University Center Mall to walk around (Autumn has been dying to go on walks). We went into Habitat, a cooking store and be still my heart if Autumn didn't want to play in the:

Wine glass section. She actually climbed into one of those shelves holding all the wine glasses. Fortunately, we got out of there without breaking anything!
The fun didn't end there.... Next was:

Sheep riding instead of sheep counting!!

Autumn, what are you pointing at??

Oh I should have known!! W A T E R!!
We decided on Sunday we needed to get out in the open air and enjoy the nice weather we have been blessed with.

We headed out to Rover Run. Autumn started off in the pack, but in short order, she wanted to:

Do her own walking. SO, Sean geared her up.

Oops! Get the hat out of her eyes.

And off our little hiker went. Told you she was going to be made to carry her own personal needs/wants from now on thanks to her super cool back pack! Let me tell you, if she is ever caught in a blizzard, she will have her blanket (pronounced wankie), kitty cat (pronounced rrrowwww), cookies and sippy cup. She is all set.

She had a great time, but again, she gets wore out pretty quickly.

No worries, daddy to the rescue. Autumn loves to ride a top Sean's shoulders.

I cannot get over how skinny Sean is and yes it was snowing, but not accumulating thank goodness. We need spring/summer here STAT!
That was our weekend in a nut shell. We are thinking about what we are doing for Easter. We have some ideas in the mix and we still haven't ruled out a small family vacation, but we have to wait for Sean to go on actual leave (April 1st).
Speaking of savagery, what is it about the father-child relationship that fosters so much...... I don't know what the word is. Rough housing would be close, but not quite. Autumn abuses Sean in ways she would never think of abusing me. For example:
Autumn likes to play this little game.... While climbing up onto that coffee table, she suddenly remembered that she forgot something.
She climbed back down, covered Sean's face with her blanket, that way when she climbed back up on the coffee table, he would have no idea what he was in for.
JUMP!!!!!! WOW. She missed his face by like an inch, but no worries, she made sure to whack him a couple times upside the head since she didn't make full facial contact with her PLF (for you lay people, parachute landing fall).
As if the savagery ends there.... We headed out to University Center Mall to walk around (Autumn has been dying to go on walks). We went into Habitat, a cooking store and be still my heart if Autumn didn't want to play in the:
Wine glass section. She actually climbed into one of those shelves holding all the wine glasses. Fortunately, we got out of there without breaking anything!
The fun didn't end there.... Next was:
Sheep riding instead of sheep counting!!
Autumn, what are you pointing at??
Oh I should have known!! W A T E R!!
We decided on Sunday we needed to get out in the open air and enjoy the nice weather we have been blessed with.
We headed out to Rover Run. Autumn started off in the pack, but in short order, she wanted to:
Do her own walking. SO, Sean geared her up.
Oops! Get the hat out of her eyes.
And off our little hiker went. Told you she was going to be made to carry her own personal needs/wants from now on thanks to her super cool back pack! Let me tell you, if she is ever caught in a blizzard, she will have her blanket (pronounced wankie), kitty cat (pronounced rrrowwww), cookies and sippy cup. She is all set.
She had a great time, but again, she gets wore out pretty quickly.
No worries, daddy to the rescue. Autumn loves to ride a top Sean's shoulders.
I cannot get over how skinny Sean is and yes it was snowing, but not accumulating thank goodness. We need spring/summer here STAT!
That was our weekend in a nut shell. We are thinking about what we are doing for Easter. We have some ideas in the mix and we still haven't ruled out a small family vacation, but we have to wait for Sean to go on actual leave (April 1st).