Where to begin?
I know, I know... I was supposed to post yesterday, but it has been such a hectic week. Where does one start??
When Sean and I left Anchorage on Monday, Alyeska bound we had no idea what was in store for us. Once we got to the resort, I noticed that Autumn didn't look quite right. She was pale and I blew it off thinking it was the lighting (it was pretty gray outside). Once we got inside though, I knew something was up. Sean had to wait in a long line for the free skiing and Autumn and I hung out at a table. She was cuddling me and just looked tired and was still very pale. I kept trying to put sickness out of my mind though and said that it was nap time, maybe she was just tired.
Sean went "skiing," ON THE BUNNY SLOPE (singular), while Autumn, myself and several spectators watched, trying not to bust a gut. Sean nearly took a fence out and it looked like he was going to smash right into an eight year old. Once Sean got a little ski on, we decided to check in to our hotel and see if we could get Autumn some medicine. Now she is feeling feverish. While in the lobby to the resort, Autumn was shaking. Her whole little body was just shivering, she couldn't even hold the medicine cup to take some Motrin. We decided we needed to head home to the doctor.
Long and short of it, Autumn tested positive for the flu (not the swine flu, remember, she already had that). The doctor seemed dumbfounded that Autumn had the flu. He said she was one of the first patients at Elmendorf who actually tested positive for the regular flu, this flu season. They didn't even have the medication on hand, they had to actually make it. Without going in to too much detail, this week has sucked. No one has slept well, Autumn has lost a ton of weight, but she is doing better now. We even got outside for some sunshine!!

It was a whopping 39 degrees outside. Nice and warm. We purchased Autumn her very own backpack at REI today and fully expect her to start carrying her own entourage around as well as her personal needs (to include, but not limited to: diapers, wipes, sippy cup, purse, cat, blanket, change of clothes, money, etc...). :-)

All smiles, even with the flu. I think the sun and fresh air did us all some good.

I just love those rosy cheeks.

Me, New Human #2, and Autumn.

Getting Autumn to wear her sunglasses has been at the very least, challenging! Maybe she will just figure it out.

My two favorite people!

Autumn checking out the bubbles.

More bubbles.

I just liked this one.

This one makes me laugh.

Just wanted to give you an idea of how much snow is in the back yard. Sean cleared out my flower beds (that bed is where all my fresh herbs and strawberries go). Please keep in mind that this is the side of the house where the sun is shining, so there is even more snow in the front yard....

Getting a hand.

This is spring time in Alaska. I'm curious how long that ice is going to take to melt out of the crab.

Oh no matter, Autumn will still have fun!
On to me for a minute.

Almost 32 weeks pregnant with NH2.
I wanted a bare belly photo, Sean came up with this:

And then informed me that it wasn't proper to have my belly showing in a picture. I made him take it again!

32 weeks!!!
SO that has been our week in a nutshell. Seriously, I hope to maintain my Monday/Thursday postings. Stay tuned!

Two of my favorite humans!
When Sean and I left Anchorage on Monday, Alyeska bound we had no idea what was in store for us. Once we got to the resort, I noticed that Autumn didn't look quite right. She was pale and I blew it off thinking it was the lighting (it was pretty gray outside). Once we got inside though, I knew something was up. Sean had to wait in a long line for the free skiing and Autumn and I hung out at a table. She was cuddling me and just looked tired and was still very pale. I kept trying to put sickness out of my mind though and said that it was nap time, maybe she was just tired.
Sean went "skiing," ON THE BUNNY SLOPE (singular), while Autumn, myself and several spectators watched, trying not to bust a gut. Sean nearly took a fence out and it looked like he was going to smash right into an eight year old. Once Sean got a little ski on, we decided to check in to our hotel and see if we could get Autumn some medicine. Now she is feeling feverish. While in the lobby to the resort, Autumn was shaking. Her whole little body was just shivering, she couldn't even hold the medicine cup to take some Motrin. We decided we needed to head home to the doctor.
Long and short of it, Autumn tested positive for the flu (not the swine flu, remember, she already had that). The doctor seemed dumbfounded that Autumn had the flu. He said she was one of the first patients at Elmendorf who actually tested positive for the regular flu, this flu season. They didn't even have the medication on hand, they had to actually make it. Without going in to too much detail, this week has sucked. No one has slept well, Autumn has lost a ton of weight, but she is doing better now. We even got outside for some sunshine!!
It was a whopping 39 degrees outside. Nice and warm. We purchased Autumn her very own backpack at REI today and fully expect her to start carrying her own entourage around as well as her personal needs (to include, but not limited to: diapers, wipes, sippy cup, purse, cat, blanket, change of clothes, money, etc...). :-)
All smiles, even with the flu. I think the sun and fresh air did us all some good.
I just love those rosy cheeks.
Me, New Human #2, and Autumn.
Getting Autumn to wear her sunglasses has been at the very least, challenging! Maybe she will just figure it out.
My two favorite people!
Autumn checking out the bubbles.
More bubbles.
I just liked this one.
This one makes me laugh.
Just wanted to give you an idea of how much snow is in the back yard. Sean cleared out my flower beds (that bed is where all my fresh herbs and strawberries go). Please keep in mind that this is the side of the house where the sun is shining, so there is even more snow in the front yard....
Getting a hand.
This is spring time in Alaska. I'm curious how long that ice is going to take to melt out of the crab.
Oh no matter, Autumn will still have fun!
On to me for a minute.
Almost 32 weeks pregnant with NH2.
I wanted a bare belly photo, Sean came up with this:
And then informed me that it wasn't proper to have my belly showing in a picture. I made him take it again!
32 weeks!!!
SO that has been our week in a nutshell. Seriously, I hope to maintain my Monday/Thursday postings. Stay tuned!
Two of my favorite humans!