You can never have too many friends.
We are adjusting to life since Sean came home almost a week ago. Sleeping schedules are getting better (Autumn hasn't been sneaking into our room the last two nights- thank goodness!!), Sean is sleeping until 5 am now. Autumn still gets upset when Sean walks out of the room, she starts hollering, "Come back". One of the days that Sean had to go to work, Autumn got in one of our closets, cried for awhile and refused to come out. She is slowly starting to realize I think that daddy is home for good.
Everyone that knows Autumn really well knows that she has an entourage. I've talked about it before. She requires a multitude of stuffed animals to go to bed with, cuddle downstairs with, etc. Yesterday morning, I walked downstairs and saw this:

All of Autumn's friends/blankets in the chair with her.

From another angle, there is barely any room for her!!

She doesn't look to upset about it though.
Autumn and I have been really enjoying Sean being home- he is off from work now for a few weeks and we will be doing somethings around town and possibly up in Fairbanks, weather permitting. I'm trying to get back on some sort of schedule with my blog- probably going to start posting twice a week or something like that. Stay tuned, I'll let you know, so you know when to check back with me!
On another note, I had my 28 week (I went at 29 weeks) appointment this week and the doctor said I was measuring at 31 weeks and that my belly felt really tight. It does feel really tight, like the baby is trying to push her way through my skin. I am hoping the skin stretches a little bit here soon!!

29 weeks pregnant with New human #2. Other than that, the doctor said it was safe to continue exercising (just no more spin class and no more hiking with Autumn on my back) and that I was cleared for air travel as well so long as nothing major comes up between now and then.
Sean and I are trying to figure out what sort of family vacation we want to take. We are seriously considering Hawaii at this point, but have not made any definite plans at this point.
That is what is going on in our corner of the world. Hope you enjoy the photos!

Autumn has smiles for miles.
Everyone that knows Autumn really well knows that she has an entourage. I've talked about it before. She requires a multitude of stuffed animals to go to bed with, cuddle downstairs with, etc. Yesterday morning, I walked downstairs and saw this:
All of Autumn's friends/blankets in the chair with her.
From another angle, there is barely any room for her!!
She doesn't look to upset about it though.
Autumn and I have been really enjoying Sean being home- he is off from work now for a few weeks and we will be doing somethings around town and possibly up in Fairbanks, weather permitting. I'm trying to get back on some sort of schedule with my blog- probably going to start posting twice a week or something like that. Stay tuned, I'll let you know, so you know when to check back with me!
On another note, I had my 28 week (I went at 29 weeks) appointment this week and the doctor said I was measuring at 31 weeks and that my belly felt really tight. It does feel really tight, like the baby is trying to push her way through my skin. I am hoping the skin stretches a little bit here soon!!
29 weeks pregnant with New human #2. Other than that, the doctor said it was safe to continue exercising (just no more spin class and no more hiking with Autumn on my back) and that I was cleared for air travel as well so long as nothing major comes up between now and then.
Sean and I are trying to figure out what sort of family vacation we want to take. We are seriously considering Hawaii at this point, but have not made any definite plans at this point.
That is what is going on in our corner of the world. Hope you enjoy the photos!
Autumn has smiles for miles.