A little curry.
Boy have we been eating well since Sean returned home. I could fill up a paper with a list of all the food I'd love to have Sean cook us! Tonight we had chicken curry. No, not from a restaurant or mass produced and from a jar, but Sean made it. It was so delicious that I wish I could just eat it all!

Autumn enjoyed the chicken and ate some of the chapati bread, but the couscous seemed to gross her out. At least she tried it and quite frankly, I recall the first time I tried couscous, it grossed me out too. Funny when I think back on it, now I love it.
Of course our meal looked a little different than Autumn's:

How did I ever live without this food!! Our chicken curry was served a'top said couscous and garnished with cilantro and Cucumber Raita. If I wasn't pregnant, I think I could have eaten all of it!
So, besides eating well, what is going on in the Jordan household? Well, we recently put a lock on Autumn's door to prevent her from escaping her room at night. Last night we put her to bed, she tried to get out, she cried for about 2 minutes, then slept the whole night. My hope is that Autumn will continue doing that and we will not have to use the lock. It makes me feel bad to lock her in, but no one was sleeping well and we all need our sleep.
Autumn is talking up a storm now. She has even begun using full sentences. Autumn's vocabulary is expanding everyday and never ceases to amaze me. Some of her new words are "person, scary, delicious and spider". Autumn has also started whispering, which cracks me up. The other night, she whispered to Sean and I, "bears, scary". It was hard not to laugh.
Sean, Autumn and I are headed to Alyeska Ski Resort on Monday to enjoy Military appreciation day. For military members and their families, we get to enjoy a free lunch, free ski lift tickets and free ski gear rental. The plan is to watch Sean ski (hopefully without him breaking any bones), do some touristy things, then Sean and Autumn get some good father-daughter time while I go get a massage!! I'm pretty excited about it!
I am also hoping this weekend we can head up to Fairbanks to check out the Ice museum and the World Ice Art Championships. We aren't sure about that yet, we need to check on weather reports and decide whether or not it is worth the risk to drive up there or not.
The last thing I'd like to share with you today is a great deal being offered by Major Marine Tours called the Spring Fever Package. For $99 a person, you can go on a 4 hour whale cruise, get admission to the Sea Life Center and stay the night at the Holiday Inn Express down in Seward. Sean and I plan to book this shortly and for those of you with little people, you don't have to pay the full $99 (for example, as long as you do not require an extra hotel room, for Autumn- we have to pay $50 for her to go on the whale cruise). The deal is being offered from April 3 to May 14th. At this time, I cannot vouch for the Holiday Inn Express, I've never stayed there, but they boast an indoor pool, so I was totally sold on this package. I'm not sure what date we will go just yet, but you can believe we will be taking advantage of the great price!
Happy Adventures from our family to yours!

Autumn the diva!
Autumn enjoyed the chicken and ate some of the chapati bread, but the couscous seemed to gross her out. At least she tried it and quite frankly, I recall the first time I tried couscous, it grossed me out too. Funny when I think back on it, now I love it.
Of course our meal looked a little different than Autumn's:
How did I ever live without this food!! Our chicken curry was served a'top said couscous and garnished with cilantro and Cucumber Raita. If I wasn't pregnant, I think I could have eaten all of it!
So, besides eating well, what is going on in the Jordan household? Well, we recently put a lock on Autumn's door to prevent her from escaping her room at night. Last night we put her to bed, she tried to get out, she cried for about 2 minutes, then slept the whole night. My hope is that Autumn will continue doing that and we will not have to use the lock. It makes me feel bad to lock her in, but no one was sleeping well and we all need our sleep.
Autumn is talking up a storm now. She has even begun using full sentences. Autumn's vocabulary is expanding everyday and never ceases to amaze me. Some of her new words are "person, scary, delicious and spider". Autumn has also started whispering, which cracks me up. The other night, she whispered to Sean and I, "bears, scary". It was hard not to laugh.
Sean, Autumn and I are headed to Alyeska Ski Resort on Monday to enjoy Military appreciation day. For military members and their families, we get to enjoy a free lunch, free ski lift tickets and free ski gear rental. The plan is to watch Sean ski (hopefully without him breaking any bones), do some touristy things, then Sean and Autumn get some good father-daughter time while I go get a massage!! I'm pretty excited about it!
I am also hoping this weekend we can head up to Fairbanks to check out the Ice museum and the World Ice Art Championships. We aren't sure about that yet, we need to check on weather reports and decide whether or not it is worth the risk to drive up there or not.
The last thing I'd like to share with you today is a great deal being offered by Major Marine Tours called the Spring Fever Package. For $99 a person, you can go on a 4 hour whale cruise, get admission to the Sea Life Center and stay the night at the Holiday Inn Express down in Seward. Sean and I plan to book this shortly and for those of you with little people, you don't have to pay the full $99 (for example, as long as you do not require an extra hotel room, for Autumn- we have to pay $50 for her to go on the whale cruise). The deal is being offered from April 3 to May 14th. At this time, I cannot vouch for the Holiday Inn Express, I've never stayed there, but they boast an indoor pool, so I was totally sold on this package. I'm not sure what date we will go just yet, but you can believe we will be taking advantage of the great price!
Happy Adventures from our family to yours!
Autumn the diva!