Life with Autumn.
I hear this crying coming from upstairs and Autumn saying, "help me." I go upstairs, she climbed the baby gate we have separating the cat food and water from the rest of the house. She was stuck! After I got her out of the bind she was in, she headed to Emelia's room to: Chill out in the bouncer: And watch a movie. I haven't decided if we are going to keep that little entertainment nook in Emelia's room or not. I'm totally against children having a TV in their room (and no judgment to anyone who does), but it wouldn't be for Emelia. Autumn could watch a movie while I tend to Emelia. I don't know, I'm just undecided. We may just keep it there until this summer and then yard sale it. Autumn got the brilliant idea to: Take a "pretend" nap in the closet. There was a reason she was in there. She gave her blanket to Mr Prince and was having a conversation with him. Autumn will tell you that Mr Prince is her favorite cat. He must be be...