Spotting Moose
I would like to start this post off with some congratulations! First off, my friend Lisa found out that she too, will be having another girl!! Congratulations to the Jack family!!
I would also like to throw out a Congratulations to Cindy's dad, Paul Honeman, for getting elected to the Anchorage Assembly!!
My niece, Taylor Renee turned 3 weeks old this week. That is hard to believe!

So Happy 3 week birthday to Taylor!
I guess on to the Jordan's now!

Here I am, 33 weeks plus some. I must admit, this pregnancy has been pretty tough (at least much tougher than with Autumn). In the last two days, I've slept more than 24 hours, run a fever, lost my appetite, but after all that rest, I'm feeling much better. Almost feel like I could go for a run today, but lets not get ahead of ourselves!
I've got some lofty goals in the mix for this summer. Sean and I would like to take a trip to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or ANWR. I only call this lofty because we would be making this trip with a two year old and an infant. I think it would be cool to go all the way up to the Arctic Ocean, possibly see some polar bears, and do some hiking. I don't think you can get much more Alaskan adventure than that.
Also in the mix for this summer is a half marathon. August 15th. I have no idea if that is over reaching my capabilities because I will have to find time to run with Autumn and a new human, plus you have to give yourself the six weeks to recover and I'm not due until the end of May. I have run a full marathon before, also a ten miler and I just don't think that a half marathon is out of the realm of possibility, but we will just have to see what all transpires in the next few months.
What is new with Autumn? Well, we had a major break through in potty training today. I was able to get Autumn to sit on the toilet without freaking out. NO, she didn't use it, but I'm counting this as a victory. We are still working on it.
Autumn has begun to use a Southern Accent. Soon as I can catch it on video, I will post it, but the child will holler out, "Help me" in the most southern accent you can imagine. Sean and I are completely at a loss as to where this accent came from, but it is funny to hear.
Autumn is the expert "MOOOOOOOOOOSE" finder (and yes, that is how she says it).

We saw these two gals yesterday and stopped by to say hello.

Autumn was trying to call the moose over, but they seemed a little grouchy that we were interrupting their lunch.

When we left, Autumn wasn't very happy about it!

Our neighbor gave Autumn a new bike! SCORE!! I like free stuff, especially after purchasing new bedding for Autumn's room, New Human's room, Crib and dresser all in the last week.

Autumn thinks her bike is pretty, but she has a hard time with the pedaling still. I think once we can really get outside with it, she will get the hang of it quickly.

Autumn saying WOW. We had a wow moment with Autumn this week when she lit a match in the kitchen. Fortunately, I was standing in there with her when she did it, but when the match caught fire, Autumn's eyes got big as plates and she said, "HOT" and was trying to blow the match out. Looks like we need to go through our junk drawer and get rid of some things.

Autumn the savage.

Hard to believe that by the end of next month, there will be two savages around here.
I'm pretty excited about dinner tonight, Sean is making Tyler Florence's Ultimate Chicken Parmigiana! I will take photos and post on Monday, but between the chicken, garlic bread and Caesar Salad, we are in for a treat this evening. Great talking with you and see you Monday!
I would also like to throw out a Congratulations to Cindy's dad, Paul Honeman, for getting elected to the Anchorage Assembly!!
My niece, Taylor Renee turned 3 weeks old this week. That is hard to believe!
So Happy 3 week birthday to Taylor!
I guess on to the Jordan's now!
Here I am, 33 weeks plus some. I must admit, this pregnancy has been pretty tough (at least much tougher than with Autumn). In the last two days, I've slept more than 24 hours, run a fever, lost my appetite, but after all that rest, I'm feeling much better. Almost feel like I could go for a run today, but lets not get ahead of ourselves!
I've got some lofty goals in the mix for this summer. Sean and I would like to take a trip to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or ANWR. I only call this lofty because we would be making this trip with a two year old and an infant. I think it would be cool to go all the way up to the Arctic Ocean, possibly see some polar bears, and do some hiking. I don't think you can get much more Alaskan adventure than that.
Also in the mix for this summer is a half marathon. August 15th. I have no idea if that is over reaching my capabilities because I will have to find time to run with Autumn and a new human, plus you have to give yourself the six weeks to recover and I'm not due until the end of May. I have run a full marathon before, also a ten miler and I just don't think that a half marathon is out of the realm of possibility, but we will just have to see what all transpires in the next few months.
What is new with Autumn? Well, we had a major break through in potty training today. I was able to get Autumn to sit on the toilet without freaking out. NO, she didn't use it, but I'm counting this as a victory. We are still working on it.
Autumn has begun to use a Southern Accent. Soon as I can catch it on video, I will post it, but the child will holler out, "Help me" in the most southern accent you can imagine. Sean and I are completely at a loss as to where this accent came from, but it is funny to hear.
Autumn is the expert "MOOOOOOOOOOSE" finder (and yes, that is how she says it).
We saw these two gals yesterday and stopped by to say hello.
Autumn was trying to call the moose over, but they seemed a little grouchy that we were interrupting their lunch.
When we left, Autumn wasn't very happy about it!
Our neighbor gave Autumn a new bike! SCORE!! I like free stuff, especially after purchasing new bedding for Autumn's room, New Human's room, Crib and dresser all in the last week.
Autumn thinks her bike is pretty, but she has a hard time with the pedaling still. I think once we can really get outside with it, she will get the hang of it quickly.
Autumn saying WOW. We had a wow moment with Autumn this week when she lit a match in the kitchen. Fortunately, I was standing in there with her when she did it, but when the match caught fire, Autumn's eyes got big as plates and she said, "HOT" and was trying to blow the match out. Looks like we need to go through our junk drawer and get rid of some things.
Autumn the savage.
Hard to believe that by the end of next month, there will be two savages around here.
I'm pretty excited about dinner tonight, Sean is making Tyler Florence's Ultimate Chicken Parmigiana! I will take photos and post on Monday, but between the chicken, garlic bread and Caesar Salad, we are in for a treat this evening. Great talking with you and see you Monday!