Life with Autumn.
I hear this crying coming from upstairs and Autumn saying, "help me." I go upstairs, she climbed the baby gate we have separating the cat food and water from the rest of the house. She was stuck! After I got her out of the bind she was in, she headed to Emelia's room to:

Chill out in the bouncer:

And watch a movie. I haven't decided if we are going to keep that little entertainment nook in Emelia's room or not. I'm totally against children having a TV in their room (and no judgment to anyone who does), but it wouldn't be for Emelia. Autumn could watch a movie while I tend to Emelia. I don't know, I'm just undecided. We may just keep it there until this summer and then yard sale it.
Autumn got the brilliant idea to:

Take a "pretend" nap in the closet. There was a reason she was in there.

She gave her blanket to Mr Prince and was having a conversation with him. Autumn will tell you that Mr Prince is her favorite cat.

He must be because Autumn doesn't share her blanket with just anyone.
This weekend is going to be busy. Angie and I are going yard sale-ing this weekend, Sean is heading to Fairbanks, and we have a few other things in the works. We are really looking forward to seeing Cindy and Dylan again next week! On a completely different note, I got to see Emelia on an ultrasound yesterday and wowza!! She is one big girl!! I have just a few weeks left until my due date!! WOO HOO!!
That is it from us today! See you soon!
Chill out in the bouncer:
And watch a movie. I haven't decided if we are going to keep that little entertainment nook in Emelia's room or not. I'm totally against children having a TV in their room (and no judgment to anyone who does), but it wouldn't be for Emelia. Autumn could watch a movie while I tend to Emelia. I don't know, I'm just undecided. We may just keep it there until this summer and then yard sale it.
Autumn got the brilliant idea to:
Take a "pretend" nap in the closet. There was a reason she was in there.
She gave her blanket to Mr Prince and was having a conversation with him. Autumn will tell you that Mr Prince is her favorite cat.
He must be because Autumn doesn't share her blanket with just anyone.
This weekend is going to be busy. Angie and I are going yard sale-ing this weekend, Sean is heading to Fairbanks, and we have a few other things in the works. We are really looking forward to seeing Cindy and Dylan again next week! On a completely different note, I got to see Emelia on an ultrasound yesterday and wowza!! She is one big girl!! I have just a few weeks left until my due date!! WOO HOO!!
That is it from us today! See you soon!