Another gorgeous day!
It has been absolutely beautiful the last two days. I think our weather is going to take a turn tomorrow, but I'm so glad we've been able to get out into it these last two days.
Last night, after super, Autumn and I did take that walk around the block.

This is a picture of the little park closest to our house. It still has a lot of snow to melt off, but it is getting there.

The sunset was so beautiful last night. I should have taken a better picture of it. The whole sky was pink and blue. Just amazing. While Autumn and I were walking, we ran into....... RILEY! Riley and Angie were at bible study at the Sawtelle's and unbeknown-st to me, they live just a few houses away. When Autumn and Riley saw each other, of course we had to stop by to say hello.

The Sawtelle's yard got all dug up when housing put in that speed enforcer thing (you know, it tells you how fast you are driving). So everyone was playing in the dirt. Autumn started climbing up that toy and she did a really good job.

Riley was just a step behind her.

I think it must be a little easier for Autumn, her legs are a little longer (and let us not forget those muscly arms she has!).

Riley did it too though!

Autumn and I made our way to the gym this morning. Spin class was canceled and I have to admit, I was a little relieved. I'm feeling a little out of sorts today and would have gone to spin class if it was available, but instead, I took it super easy on the stationary bike.
After the gym, I dropped the bean pot off at Gloria's, picked up lunch and took Autumn to the Park of the Midnight Sun.

Serious climber.
I was SO PROUD OF AUTUMN. She climbed this all by herself.

Step one.

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

All the way to the top! She was a little bit afraid, but attempted it anyway. When she got to the top, she said, "I DID IT!" It was so cute. Of course, I didn't get a good shot of that last step, she pressed herself all the way to the wood because she was afraid she would fall. She did it though!!

First look at the slide, she said, "Whoa!"

Going down.

Can you see all that beautiful sunshine?

Leading the way through a tunnel.

Remind you of anything?
Autumn made her way over to the swings where another little girl was playing.

Autumn was telling the other girl to put her in the swing, but there was some mis-communication.

So Autumn said, forget it. I'll do it myself!

I waddled over there and put her in the swing. Then got the evil grin!

Only to be rewarded with this wonderful photo a few seconds later.

Tell me that isn't a look she learned from you??? Women drivers.

Soaking up the sun.

I thought she would be cold, but she insisted on taking her coat off.

Trying to climb the ropes again.

This time, she got stuck.

She was saying, "Help me" in her little southern accent.

Walking by. She wasn't the only thing walking by. There were shrews all over that playground. I guess we should take Penelope out there and let him clean it up for everyone!

Autumn made some friends with some kids at the park (their names were Amelia, Abigale and Isabella- all super cute names!). I of course asked the mom if it was Amelia with an A or an E, she said A.

More Autumn.

I liked this shot.

No idea what she was staring at, she was in her own little world.

Just another day, thinking of you.
Autumn skinned up her knee out there (and you would be proud, she didn't even cry) and boy oh boy does she need some sun. That girl is WHITE, like Aunt Julie!
So today I am officially 37 weeks pregnant. 21 days left until my due date. Can you believe that? Emelia's room is still incomplete, but hopefully when you get home, we can put those last few finishing touches on it. Otherwise, Cindy isn't going to get much time to spend with her family, she is going to be busy putting my nursery together! I cannot believe they will be here tomorrow!!!!
On another very happy note, Angie, Riley and Davis will be reunited this evening. I'm so excited for them. I talked to Angie about it and she said it was perfectly understandable for Autumn and I to bow out of meeting them at the airport. I am just afraid it would be too confusing for Autumn to go and see Riley reuniting with her daddy while you are out of town. Especially since Autumn associates you with the airport. Nonetheless, I am very excited for them!!!
I am making grilled salmon and asparagus for dinner. I'm going to serve the salmon over Polenta and I'm making a Hollandaise sauce..... kind of scary right?!!? I'll be sure to take a picture or two though and post tomorrow.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time on this TDY. I was kind of worried when I didn't hear from you yesterday. I hope today goes much better.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

Wish you were here.
Last night, after super, Autumn and I did take that walk around the block.
This is a picture of the little park closest to our house. It still has a lot of snow to melt off, but it is getting there.
The sunset was so beautiful last night. I should have taken a better picture of it. The whole sky was pink and blue. Just amazing. While Autumn and I were walking, we ran into....... RILEY! Riley and Angie were at bible study at the Sawtelle's and unbeknown-st to me, they live just a few houses away. When Autumn and Riley saw each other, of course we had to stop by to say hello.
The Sawtelle's yard got all dug up when housing put in that speed enforcer thing (you know, it tells you how fast you are driving). So everyone was playing in the dirt. Autumn started climbing up that toy and she did a really good job.
Riley was just a step behind her.
I think it must be a little easier for Autumn, her legs are a little longer (and let us not forget those muscly arms she has!).
Riley did it too though!
Autumn and I made our way to the gym this morning. Spin class was canceled and I have to admit, I was a little relieved. I'm feeling a little out of sorts today and would have gone to spin class if it was available, but instead, I took it super easy on the stationary bike.
After the gym, I dropped the bean pot off at Gloria's, picked up lunch and took Autumn to the Park of the Midnight Sun.
Serious climber.
I was SO PROUD OF AUTUMN. She climbed this all by herself.
Step one.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
All the way to the top! She was a little bit afraid, but attempted it anyway. When she got to the top, she said, "I DID IT!" It was so cute. Of course, I didn't get a good shot of that last step, she pressed herself all the way to the wood because she was afraid she would fall. She did it though!!
First look at the slide, she said, "Whoa!"
Going down.
Can you see all that beautiful sunshine?
Leading the way through a tunnel.
Remind you of anything?
Autumn made her way over to the swings where another little girl was playing.
Autumn was telling the other girl to put her in the swing, but there was some mis-communication.
So Autumn said, forget it. I'll do it myself!
I waddled over there and put her in the swing. Then got the evil grin!
Only to be rewarded with this wonderful photo a few seconds later.
Tell me that isn't a look she learned from you??? Women drivers.
Soaking up the sun.
I thought she would be cold, but she insisted on taking her coat off.
Trying to climb the ropes again.
This time, she got stuck.
She was saying, "Help me" in her little southern accent.
Walking by. She wasn't the only thing walking by. There were shrews all over that playground. I guess we should take Penelope out there and let him clean it up for everyone!
Autumn made some friends with some kids at the park (their names were Amelia, Abigale and Isabella- all super cute names!). I of course asked the mom if it was Amelia with an A or an E, she said A.
More Autumn.
I liked this shot.
No idea what she was staring at, she was in her own little world.
Just another day, thinking of you.
Autumn skinned up her knee out there (and you would be proud, she didn't even cry) and boy oh boy does she need some sun. That girl is WHITE, like Aunt Julie!
So today I am officially 37 weeks pregnant. 21 days left until my due date. Can you believe that? Emelia's room is still incomplete, but hopefully when you get home, we can put those last few finishing touches on it. Otherwise, Cindy isn't going to get much time to spend with her family, she is going to be busy putting my nursery together! I cannot believe they will be here tomorrow!!!!
On another very happy note, Angie, Riley and Davis will be reunited this evening. I'm so excited for them. I talked to Angie about it and she said it was perfectly understandable for Autumn and I to bow out of meeting them at the airport. I am just afraid it would be too confusing for Autumn to go and see Riley reuniting with her daddy while you are out of town. Especially since Autumn associates you with the airport. Nonetheless, I am very excited for them!!!
I am making grilled salmon and asparagus for dinner. I'm going to serve the salmon over Polenta and I'm making a Hollandaise sauce..... kind of scary right?!!? I'll be sure to take a picture or two though and post tomorrow.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time on this TDY. I was kind of worried when I didn't hear from you yesterday. I hope today goes much better.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Wish you were here.