A quick post
Not going to type a whole lot today. First- it is your mom's birthday. Happy Birthday to Grandma Jordan!
Second- Autumn went pee on the toilet at daycare (for me) today! I was so excited about that. It gives me hope that she will one day be potty trained!!
Third- I started having contractions on the way home from the library. They hurt pretty bad and I was beginning to question if I was going to make it home or not. Derek brought Autumn in the house from the car for me (she had fallen asleep) and as soon as I get these pictures on here, I'm going to lay down. I'm pretty sure it is just false labor, but if it gets much worse, I'm going to have to call you. For now, I'm going to get some water and just lay down, see if that doesn't help things. Enjoy my pictures. I love you Sean James Jordan. I'm so relieved to know you will be home tomorrow. Don't forget that we have church tonight.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo

Autumn said, "BRRRRRRR COLD!" It was funny.

That is her reflection off of a window.


Funny face.

Doesn't it look like she was really delving into that book??

Cherish and Autumn.
Second- Autumn went pee on the toilet at daycare (for me) today! I was so excited about that. It gives me hope that she will one day be potty trained!!
Third- I started having contractions on the way home from the library. They hurt pretty bad and I was beginning to question if I was going to make it home or not. Derek brought Autumn in the house from the car for me (she had fallen asleep) and as soon as I get these pictures on here, I'm going to lay down. I'm pretty sure it is just false labor, but if it gets much worse, I'm going to have to call you. For now, I'm going to get some water and just lay down, see if that doesn't help things. Enjoy my pictures. I love you Sean James Jordan. I'm so relieved to know you will be home tomorrow. Don't forget that we have church tonight.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Autumn said, "BRRRRRRR COLD!" It was funny.
That is her reflection off of a window.
Funny face.
Doesn't it look like she was really delving into that book??
Cherish and Autumn.