Family Fun
We've been trying to limit our outings to no more than one big trip a day. So far, it has worked beautifully. Emelia fits right in and is so easy going. We've been getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. We've been trying to pick a park where I can get some walking in and Autumn can play.
On our way to the park, we encountered:

A doggie driver!!!!

Emelia doing her thing- sleeping!

Autumn enjoying the slide at Campbell Creek Park.

Getting some good speed on that slide.

Sassy Autumn.

Running from Sean.
Today we went to Taku Park. After walking near a lake, we came across a cute little park.

Autumn had a good time.

Not so sure I could say the same for Emelia!

Autumn and Sean holding hands. Those two are so sweet.

I cannot believe how big Autumn is getting. It really just dawned on me today. I don't know if it is because Emelia is here and she looks so small, or if it just really occurred to me that Autumn is really growing up.

Sean and Emelia, again- Emelia doing her thing- sleeping!
A very nice passerby took our very first family photo and I will treasure it always.

The Jordan's.
On our way to the park, we encountered:
A doggie driver!!!!
Emelia doing her thing- sleeping!
Autumn enjoying the slide at Campbell Creek Park.
Getting some good speed on that slide.
Sassy Autumn.
Running from Sean.
Today we went to Taku Park. After walking near a lake, we came across a cute little park.
Autumn had a good time.
Not so sure I could say the same for Emelia!
Autumn and Sean holding hands. Those two are so sweet.
I cannot believe how big Autumn is getting. It really just dawned on me today. I don't know if it is because Emelia is here and she looks so small, or if it just really occurred to me that Autumn is really growing up.
Sean and Emelia, again- Emelia doing her thing- sleeping!
A very nice passerby took our very first family photo and I will treasure it always.
The Jordan's.